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Sociology Review Chapter 8 Stratification and Social Mobility in the US Social mobility Social Mobility Movement of individuals or groups from one position in society s stratification system to another Horizontal mobility movement within same range of prestige Vertical mobility Movement from one position to another of a different rank Intergenerational mobility changes in children s position relative to their parents Intergenerational mobility social position changes within persons adult life Social class and life chances Social class relationship to the means of production within capitalism Social classes one dimensional approach to social class Poverty absolute and relative Absolute poverty the inability to afford minimal standards of food clothing shelter Relative poverty floating standard by which people at the bottom of a society are judge as being disadvantage in comparison to the nation as a whole Feminization of poverty women and children are more likely to be poor Welfare reform PRWORA the personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act 1996 5 years limit for welfare payments Some problems associated with people on welfare Have drug addiction Alcoholism Chapter 9 Wallerstein 2 Modernization theory the world system theory core nations semi periphery periphery less developed countries are moving toward more developed and urbanization societies Less developed nations rural population large total population high infant mortality Colonialism political military and cultural elimination economic dependency being removed Neocolonialism Globalization financial markets through trade and exchange of ideas Multinational corporations Functionalist perspective Worldwide integration of government policies cultures social movements and Multinational corporations are good for developing nations Bring jobs and industry Multinationals get to take advantage of the best technology while still reducing cost and boosting profit Make nations more interdependent and less likely to go to war Conflict Perspective multinational corporations are bad for developing countries Exploitation of local workers to maximize profit Investment by the companies initially increases the nation s wealth But eventually increases the inequality within the developing nations Brazil distribution of wealth and income Mexico the color hierarchy criollos Mestizos mecican indian Borderlands Area of common cultures along the border of US and Mexico Maquiladoras foreign owned factories that do not have to pay taxes or provide benefits to workers Chapter 10 Racial groups Ethnic group Race refers to the classification of humans into populations or groups based on various factors such as culture language social people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture Minority group not about size people that have limited power over lives Prejudice and discrimination the difference between the two Prejudice beliefs attitudes Discrimination deny equal opportunities Patterns of intergroup relations Amalgamation A B C D Assimilation A B C A African Americans the civil rights movement Native Americans the trail of tears Indian removal act where they were removed from homes Asian Americans smaller Latinos largest group Chapter 12 Trends in US marriages and intimate relationships Family composition nuclear and extended family Nuclear family nucleus or core upon which larger family groups are built Extended family family in which relatives live in the same home as the parents and children Monogamy Serial monogamy Form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other when a person has several spouses in his or her lifetime byt only one spouse at a time Pologamy polygyny and polyandry Polygamy When an individual has several husbands or wives simultaneously Happens among people who have money Polygyny Marriage of a man to more than one woman at a time Polyandry Marriage of a woman to more than one husband at the same time Happens among the poor Sociological perspectives Functionalist View Family serves six functions for society Reproduction Protection Socialization Regulation of sexual behavior Affection and companionship Provision of social status Conflict View Family reflects inequality in wealth and power found within society In wide range of societies husband exercised power and authority within the family View family as economic unit that contributes to social injustice Focuses on micro level of family and other intimate relationships Interested in how individuals interact with each other whether they are cohabiting partners or longtime married couples Interactionist View Feminist View Chapter 14 Economic systems Capitalism economic system in which means of production are held largely in private hands Socialism means of production and distribution owned collectively rather than privately owned Convergence of capitalism and socialism capitalism and socialism growing similar Power and authority Power ability to exercise ones will over others Webers deintion of power Illegitimate power coerciom Legitimate power authority types of authority traditional legal rational charismatic Traditional authority power is legitimated by ancient customs Legal Rational Authority power is legitimated by explicit rules and procedures at that defines rights and obligations Charismatic Authority power is legitimated by the unique and remarkable qualities that people attribute to a specific leader

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KSU SOC 12050 - Chapter 8 Stratification and Social Mobility in the US

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