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HY101 Dr James Mixson Chapter 5 Islam should not be seen as fully formed at any point in its history Gordon 69 Five Pillars of Muslim faith o 1 Shahada bearing witness there is no god but God and Muhammad is His messenger o 2 Salat prayer Qur an o 3 Zakat purification annual tithe usually paid to religious officials of the State manner in which it was collected and its precise definition was shifted over the course of early Islamic history o 4 Sawm Siyam Ramadan fasting Muslims must refrain from eating drinking sex and smoking for a month long fast o 5 Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca takes place in the final month of the Islamic calendar Verses relate knowledge directly to faith Sufism arises o People who practiced Sufism did not have an interest in material and political concerns They committed themselves to a life of spirituality and self denial zuhd rather than one of indulgence Had ideas of piety as expressed in the Qur an and teachings of the Prophet Khariji Movements o Deeply immersed in worldly matters o Insistence on adhering closely to Qur anic principles was adopted in more moderate form by most other currents of Islamic thought o Communal effort was believed important Early Shi a o Three events shaped early Shi i history 1 The appointment of Abu Bakr because it violated the Prophet s wishes 2 The death of al Husayn Ali Talib s son and the Prophet s grandson at the hands of the Umayyads 3 The Abbasid Revolution making a divide between the Shi a and non Shi a Early Sunnism o Took longer to form than that of Kharijism or Shi ism o Practice of the believers during the period of the Prophet and his companions o Sunni Religious law was formed Qur anic ethical principles o Mihna Formed basis of Islamic law and reinterpreted the Foundation for Islam because it constitutes the watershed in which the relationship between the state and the religious scholars regarding authority in religious matters was defined in Islam Scholars triumphed and authority over Sunni religious life remained in their hands from that point forward pp 87

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