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American Sign Language Sandy Lewinski This is in addition to the notes that she gave for us which is located online on Blackboard Sandy signed you name what which means what is your name Classmates signed me name finger spelled their name which means my name is name Ex Bob remember the sentence structure is you name what In groups of two we practiced signing this conversation Person A what is your name Person B my name is fingerspell name Person A nice to meet you Person B nice to meet you In groups of two we practiced signing this conversation Person A your name is fingerspell name Person B either confirmed yes my name is fingerspell name Or denied no my name is fingerspell name Facial expressions are very important Other words we learned summer ugly dry When there is a symbol it means that it is a fingerspelling that has been made into a sign which is why when it is signed it is so fast An example is the sign no

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UT SPED 3670 - American Sign Language

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