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CONCEPT LIST FOR REVIEW EXAM 2 Intro to Sociology Note this is not an exhaustive list of items on the exam the purpose of this list is to stimulate your thinking and to clarify your notes from class lectures Be sure to review the concepts in bold print from the readings as well Socialization the process by which we learn what is expected of us and how to behave accordingly Agents of socialization various individuals groups and organizations who influence the socialization process Resocialization process of learning new values norms and expectations when an adult leaves an old role and enters a new one Anticipatory Socialization the process through which we aquire values and orientations of statuses that we will likely enter into in the future Hidden curriculum Self fulfilling prophecy assumption of prediction that in itself causes the expected event to occur thus seeming to confirm the prophecy s accuracy C H Cooley developed a feelings about the self we create looking glass self 1 imagine how we appear to others 2 imagine how they evaluate that 3 develop some sort of self feeling Looking glass self use the actions of others towards us as mirrors in which we see ourselves G H Mead focuses on how we develop a self 3 phases Self identity unique set of traits behaviors and attitudes that distinguishes one person from another Pre Play Play Game stages 1 pre play imitation 18 months children start to learn that they exist as objects separate from the world 2 play 3 years able to imitate characteristics of others role taking 3 game elementary school able to take on multiple roles and understand how they relate to one another Generalized Other abstract perspective of society Dramaturgy the study of social actions through theater language Goffman Impression management an attempt to present a successful image of oneself or one s group so that others will make the desired judgements of you Goffman dramaturgy lingo props objects that help with your impression stage front back Giving Giving Off Cues giving cues giving intentional accurate info Front back stage front stage part of social interaction where people maintain appropriate impressions giving off cues giving unintentional non accurate info Back stage region where people violate impressions because they are out of view of an audience Spoiled performance Aligning Actions Face Saving attempts to mend social performance 1 apology 2 to give an account 3 disclaimer statement given before violation occurs 4 cooling out try to persuade someone to take on a lesser role while maintaining their self worth Stigmatized performance a spoiled performance that can be cannot be fixed with aligning actions Stigma Deviance behavior that does no conform to society s norms or expectations Absolutist vs relativist absolute rooted in the act itself things are black white biological Relativist social structure defines deviance Durkheim an act does not offend society because it is deviant it is deviant because it offends society Learned Deviance theory within a culture there are subcultures with different norms people learn to conform to the subcultures Structural Strain theory Merton deviance arises when there is a conflict between culturally excepted goals and culturally accepted means to those goals Conformists have the goal as well as the means to the goal Ritualists don t have the goal but have the means for the goal Retreatists don t have the goal or the means to the goal Innovators have the goal but don t have the means to the goal Rebels not only oppose culturally accepted goals means but they try to replace them Criminalization act of transforming deviant acts into criminal acts Medicalization transforming moral or legal deviance into a medical condition Labeling theory deviance develops after a 3 stage process Primary deviance act or perception of an act that initially draws the label of deviance little or no affect on self Secondary deviance behavioral response that occurs as a result of the label that the person has been assigned repeat deviant acts Tertiary deviance deviant wants and embraces the label as part of their identity6 Family US Census and broader sociological understanding two or more persons including the householder who are related by birth marriage or adoption and who live together as one household Trends and Myths of Declining vs Changing family Four Types of Families Homogamy Endogamy marriage within one s social group Exogamy marriage outside one s social group

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