Chapter 19 22 38 It is likely that new methods of delivering vaccines will be developed so that traditional injection will be less frequent aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 37 The Human Genome Project seeks to rid the human population of genetic disease aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 36 Biotechnology has yet to produce a single useful product for a human health condition aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 35 Gene therapy will probably be used predominantly for correcting germ line mutations because fewer ethical issues are associated with it than with somatic cell gene therapy aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 34 Amniocentesis is preferred over chorionic villus sampling because recombinant DNA screening can be achieved with amniocentesis but not with chorionic villus sampling aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer 22 33 Rational drug design involves the synthesis of specific chemical substances the affect specific gene products aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 32 Drosophila is a unique candidate for genetic engineering because it is the one prokaryote about which we have a great deal of genetic information aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 31 One of the problems associated with the generation of transgenic plants is that the ecological parameters of many plants are not completely understood aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 30 To generate glyphosate resistance in crop plants a fusion gene was created that introduced a viral promoter to control the EPSP synthetase gene aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 22 29 Glyphosate a herbicide inhibits EPSP a chloroplast enzyme involved in the synthesis of several amino acids aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer CloseShow Answer 22 28 A restriction fragment is generated by the action of a restriction enzyme endonuclease aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 23 A term often used to describe an organism that is a genetic mosaic resulting from the introduction of DNA from another organism is Enter your answer below The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 7 Under strictly controlled conditions a probe can be used that will hybridize only with its complementary sequence and not with other sequences that may vary by as little as one nucleotide What are such probes called ageneration specific probes bshort variable repeats cVNTRs dmicrosatellites eallele specific oligonucleotides ASOs The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 6 A DNA microarray also called a DNA chip can be used to amutate genes of interest bisolate genes from eukaryotic cell nuclei dtrap genes that are both active and inactive cassay protein output escan a population of from a genomic database nucleic acids for abundance and mutations The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 5 Many instances involving genetically modified organisms especially food crops will be entering the human food chain in the years to come On what basis are genetically modified foods considered safe to eat aThey are only slightly toxic bAll products to be cleared for human consumption have been cBecause of the possible economic dEach personally tested by all members of the regulatory agency impact of rigorous testing such food products are minimally tested in sheep and cattle genetically modified food product is screened for its resistance to antibiotics eGenetically modified food products are considered safe if they are found to be not toxic or allergenic or have other negative physiological effects The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 4 Gleevec is the trade name of a drug used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia What general process was used to produce this drug ain situ hybridization dstarch gel electrophoresis esubstitution mutagenesis The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question bsupplementation with restriction endonucleases crational drug design CloseShow Answer 22 3 Which term is commonly used to describe the production of valuable proteins in genetically modified plants and animals aaniplafarming bfaunafarming cbiopharming dculturing egenetiproduction The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question CloseShow Answer 22 1 RFLPs are commonly used in recombinant DNA technology to acleave DNA of interest bgenerate pharmaceutical products of interest recombinant DNA vectors oligonucleotides The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question dmap genes and construct DNA fingerprints cserve as esubstitute for CloseShow Answer 22 2 Which of the following characteristics do SNPs have avariable amino acid substitutions highly heterogeneous bvariable numbers of tandem repeats highly uniform in the population nucleotides transcribed repeatedly homogeneous genes The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question cvariable base sequences variable in the population dvarious esmall noteworthy transcribed regions lethal CloseShow Answer Chapter 21 23 52 Traits such as height general body structure skin color and some behavioral traits are probably caused primarily by genes that behave codominantly or epistatically aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 23 51 Heritability is a measure of the degree to which the phenotypic variation of a given trait is due to genetic factors aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 23 50 Concordance refers to the frequency with which members of a twin pair express a different trait aTRUE bFALSE The instructor has not enabled student submissions for this question 23 49 The multiple factor hypothesis suggests that many factors or
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