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What is Psychopathology Psychopathology Problematic patterns of thought feeling or behavior that disrupt an individual s sense of well being or social or occupational functioning Goodness of fit model o Psychopathology as a reflection of poor person environment fit Basic tasks in Psychopathology DIET D efine abnormality o Concepts of abnormality I dentify specific instances o Classification abnormality E xplain T reat o Theory or intervene to address the problem o Psychotherapy Defining Abnormality Deviance o Statistical deviance rarity o Violation of social norms Personal distress Danger Disability Harmful dysfunction to self and others Mental illness as social constriction Szasz Myth of Mental Illness o Conformity function Labeling theory interference with adaptive functioning Identifying Psychopathology Psychiatric Classification o Organizational system o From which diagnoses can be made Bases for classifying o Syndromes Symptoms Descriptive o Stigmatization self fulfilling prophecy o Relationship to poverty and social class Defining and identifying abnormal behavior is an act of social judgment o Doesn t make it wrong o Simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in the same person o Percentage of population with disorder Point vs lifetime o Causes etiology Theoretical o Responses to treatment Classification Concepts and Terms Classification Approaches o Categorical taxonomic o Dimensional taxometric Comorbidity Prevalence DSM V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Descriptive approach Published by the APA American Psychiatric Association o Totally symptom and syndrome based o Atheoretical Categorical system o Rule in or out of discrete categories o Continuity discontinuity issue Major Categories of Disorders o Neurodevelopmental Disorders o Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders o Bipolar and Related Disorders o Depressive Disorders o Anxiety Disorders o Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders o Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders o Dissociative Disorders o Somatic Symptom Disorders o Feeding and Eating Disorders o Elimination Disorders o Sleep Wake Disorders o Sexual Dysfunctions o Gender Dysphoria o Disruptive Impulse Control and Conduct Disorders o Substance Use and Addictive Disorders o Neurocognitive Disorders o Personality Disorders o Paraphilic Disorders

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