CLA 2010 Midterm 2 Study Guide 1 Familia Slaves freedmen and property associated with the household 2 Domus Refers to immediate family 3 Paterfamilias Male head of a family or household 4 Patria Potestas Head of household with great authority 5 Peculium Property set aside by the head of a household 6 Sine Manu marriages When the wife legally and ritually remains a member of her father s family 7 Tutela Guardianship 8 Liberi Children 9 Nutrix A female nurse slave 10 Paedagogus Children s teacher 11 Magister Ludi Roman schoolteacher of the first stage Teaches reading writing and arithmetic 12 Grammaticus Roman schoolteacher of the second stage Teacher s literature and poetry 13 Rhetor Roman schoolteacher of the third stage Teaches public speaking 14 Toga Praetextus Toga worn by freeborn boys who have not come of age with a purple stripe on it 15 Bulla Amulets worn like a locket to male children 16 Public slaves Slaves of the Roman state and emperor who maintain public works 17 Agricultural slaves Slaves that maintain farms 18 Domestic slaves Slaves that work and often live in the house 19 Vilicus Servant of the villa and the farm 20 Latifundium Extensive piece of privately owned land 21 Branding Slaves were branded on the face collar to prevent slaves from running away 22 Restio Kind slave owner who branded a slave because of misconduct 23 Larcius Maredo Tortured to death by his slaves beaten and thrown on hot coals 24 Manumission Act of a slave owner freeing his slaves 25 Freedman Former slave who has been released 26 Anicetus Nero s freedman Served as admiral of the imperial fleet at Misenum 27 Domus vs Villa Domus type of home occupied by the upper classes and some wealthy freedmen Villa Roman country house built for the upper class 28 Atrium Large open space in the house 29 Tablinum Office for father in the house Located on one side of the atrium 30 Lararium Shrine for gods in the house 31 Peristylium An open courtyard within the house 32 Culina Kitchen small dark located in a poor corner of the house 33 Triclinium Dining room with wooden couches and cushions on top 34 Cubiculum Small rooms used for different purposes 35 Insula Apartment building for ordinary people 36 Guild collegium An association of artisans or merchants who control the practice of their craft in a particular town Any association with a legal personality 37 Trader negotiator Ship and trade goods all over the empire Wealthy men invest in the shipping of goods Followed on the heels of the army benefiting from the infrastructure of roads 38 Crassus Bought houses that caught fire or houses next to those that caught fire sold for low prices Owned the greater part of Rome Wealthiest man in Roman history 39 Cato the elder Moneylender 40 Sacer vs Profanus Specific and distinct locations having to do with an offering 41 Doxis vs Praxis Having to do with practicing religion 42 Pax Deorum Central goal of Roman religion a mutual state of peace between Rome and its deities with the gods guarding Rome s public welfare and the Romans providing the gods their desired worship and cult 43 Do Ut Des I give that you may give Exchange between human being and deity 44 Do Ut Abeas I give that you may go and keep away 45 Aedile Office of the roman republic 46 Cicero Elected Aedile Holds the festival of Lady Flora 47 Caesar Elected Aedile Held huge spectacles 48 Claque Group hired to applaud after a performance 49 Ludi Public games held for the benefit and entertainment of the Roman people 50 Lanista Trained gladiators Purchased slaves to become gladiators 51 Venationes Form of entertainment in Roman amphitheaters involving the hunting and slaying of wild animals 52 Spartacus Led gladiators revolt and stirred up war in 73 BCE 53 Coliseum Flavian amphitheater built in Flavian era Sat 50 000 people Construction began in 70 72 and it opened in 80 CE with 100 days of spectacles 90 000 animals killed 54 Bread and circuses Superficial means of appeasement 55 Labor and the gentleman
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