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MAN4301 Exam 1 Study Guide 09 21 2015 Chapter 1 Human Capital An organization s employees described in terms of their o Training o Experience o Judgment o Intelligence o Relationships o Insights The concept of HRM implies that employees are resources of the employer Role of HRM in an organization HRM consists of an organization s people practice o Policies practices and systems that influence employees behavior attitudes and performance o Influences who works for the organization and how those people work o Responsible for a variety of functions related to acquiring and managing employees Analysis and design of work Job Analysis process of getting detailed information about jobs Job Design process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires HR planning Recruiting the process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential employment Selection the process by which the organization attempts to identify applicants with the necessary knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics that will help the organization achieve its goals Training and development Training a planned effort to enable employees to learn job related knowledge skills and behavior Development acquisition of knowledge skills and behaviors that improve an employee s ability to meet changes in job requirements and in customer demands Performance management the process of ensuring that employees activities and outputs match the organization s goals HR may be responsible for developing or obtaining questionnaires and other devices for measuring performance Compensation Planning pay Benefits how much salary wage bonuses commissions and other performance related pay to offer Administering pay benefits systems for keeping track of employees earnings and benefits Extensive record keeping and reporting Employee relations Preparing and distributing employee handbooks and policies company publications and newsletters Dealing with and responding to communications from employees questions about benefits and company policy possible discrimination or harassment safety hazards etc Collective bargaining and contract administration HR negotiates union contracts and maintains communication with union representatives to ensure that problems are resolved Chapter 2 External Labor Market Individuals who are actively seeking employment Number and kinds of people in external labor market determine kinds of human resources available to an organization An organization s internal labor force comes from its external labor market HR Implications of an Aging Workforce HRM spends much time on retirement planning retraining and motivating workers Organizations struggle to control rising costs of health care and benefits organizations must find ways to prepare youth labor force Managers will supervise older employees HRM practices that Support Diversity Management Communication communicate with employees from a variety of Development provide career development for employees with different backgrounds and abilities Performance appraisal provide feedback based on objective backgrounds outcomes Employee Relations create a work environment that is confortable for all and fosters creativity High Performance Work Systems Organizations have best fit between their o Social system people and how they interact o Technical system equipment and processes Three trends in high performance work systems o Reliance on knowledge workers o Empowerment of employees to make decisions o Teamwork Employee Empowerment Giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects of product development or customer service Employee engagement full involvement in one s work and commitment to one s job and company o Higher productivity o Better customer service o Lower employee turnover Chapter 3 EEOC Responsible for enforcing most EEO laws Investigates resolves complaints gathers information and issues guidelines o Equal Employment Opportunity EEO Condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment regardless of their race color religion sex age disability or national origin 13th amendment abolished slavery 14th amendment forbids the taking of life liberty or property without due process Equal Pay Act 1963 men and women in an organization doing the same work must be paid equally Equal is defined in terms of skill effort responsibility and working conditions Americans with Disabilities Act ADA 1990 protects individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace Employers must take steps to accommodate individuals covered by the act Disparate Impact A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities OSHA Responsible for o Inspecting employers o Applying safety and health standards o Levying fines for violation OSHA regulations prohibit notifying employers of inspections in advance Government s Role in Providing for EEO Office of Federal Contract Compliance Procedures OFCCP o Responsible foe enforcing executive orders that cover companies doing business with federal government o Audits government contractors to ensure they are actively pursuing goals in their affirmative action plans Plan must include utilization analysis goals and timetables and action steps Chapter 4 Job Enrichment jobs Empowering workers by adding more decision making authority to Based on Herzberg s theory of motivation Individuals motivated more by intrinsic aspects of work Self Managing Work Teams Have authority for an entire work process or segment Team members motivated by autonomy skill variety and task identity Job Enlargement Job extension enlarging jobs by combining several relatively simple jobs to form a job with a wider range of tasks Job rotation enlarging jobs by moving employees among several different jobs Work Flow Design and Organization s Structure Within an organization units and individuals must cooperate to create outputs The organization s structure brings together people who must collaborate to efficiently produce desired outputs o Centralized o Decentralized o Functional o Product of Customer Work flow analysis identifies o Amount and quality of a work unit s outputs o Work processes required to produce these outputs o Inputs used to carry out processes and produce outputs Chapter 5 Forecasting Attempts to determine supply and demand for various types of HR to predict

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FSU MAN 4301 - Chapter 1 Human Capital

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