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CTE3835 Final Review 3 types of lighting systems and their functions Ambient describes general overall lighting Accent describes lighting effects designed to emphasize certain wall areas merchandise displays or architectural features in a retail setting Task lighting designed to illuminate work areas where strong bright light simplifies detail work Which of the 3 is general lighting Ambient Hollister and Wal Mart traded the lighting because the lighting is part of brand identity and brand image and the overall atmospherics of the store It would be funky if they switched the lighting 4 systems of lighting LED can reduce energy by as much as 80 lasts 25x longer than traditional bulbs can help stretch power allotment runs much cooler Halogen types of incandescent lighting that provides color rendition closest to daylight longer lamp life and highest human efficiency of any system commonly used for accent and task lighting growing as an ambient lighting source Incandescent best method for true to life accent and task lighting often referred to as warm light type of lamp will determine scope of light offers excellent color rendition enhances reds oranges and yellows blues are dulled Fluorescent provides best ambient lighting least expensive to operate only referred to as cool light cannot effectively accent merchandise or displays non shadowing Know what color rendition is the degree to which lighting allows colors to be viewed under conditions that are closest to those offered by natural light The lighting industry uses the term color rendering index CRI when listing specifications on each lamp The goal Getting as close to natural light as possible 4 types of windows in store front design Arcade front series of windows on either side of the entrance wall set back from the street peninsulas of glass attached to the store with some sort of cover Straight front windows run parallel to the street may be closed back open back or elevated Most common Angled Front entrance is recessed from the street display windows lead back from the street to the entrance creating an aisle for the shopper Corner faces 2 streets that are perpendicular to each other window with double exposure and double traffic can see through to the other one sometimes Problems with glass front windows o Glare and reflection can see stuff behind you different things that people have done to get rid of glare awnings o Venestration the window placement in the building Marquee architectural canopies Fascia o Horizontal boars or panel often found 6 5 to 7 feet off the ground used to conceal lights and as a background should tell what is being sold below suggest the variety and specify the time of year or look in season used both as merchandising and decorating technique to identify merchandise in department and attract customer to that area Bank of windows windows aligned in a row 100 traffic areas locations throughout the store that get very heavy traffic areas around elevators escalators and major staircases quick impulse shopping low priced easy to sell merchandise is promoted should be changed frequently and attract customers to merchandise display Demonstration cubes used for Rug upholstered laminated or wood finished blocks found on selling floor and grouped or clustered popular in mid traffic areas to attract to department or special products Riser is set off the aisle or in a department and spotlighted from above will also serve to identify an area and promote a particular piece of merchandise Focal points are a generic term that refers to any place in the retail setting where emphasis has been placed to attract the shopper as directional force accented area on the floor where special merchandise is featured can reinforce store image and attract shoppers to store or department Open and closed fa ade o Open Fa ade no visible barrier between the shopper on the mall aisle and the store no display windows no doors usually security gates that close at night o Closed Fa ade suggests something special or a sense of belonging appeals to teens and tween as well as to upscale boutique shoppers a closed opening o Both inside a mall Masking reduces the size of the window by making an opening for viewing that is smaller the mask enhances the enclosed presentation and makes it appear more important and more concentrated by using the mask concept vertical dividers set against the glass can create a series of openings out of the one long stretch of glass Proscenia o This is a structural arch that is used around the window glass o Consists of a top valance which masks the lighting across the top of the window and side valances which separate one window or display grouping from the next while also hiding any side lighting devices o Basically the proscenia is a frame and is used to Accentuate the display setup behind it Hides the pipes and lighting fixtures Provides a promotional or seasonal theme Unifies and adds a dramatic and coherent quality to a group of windows Makes the window opening suitable to the scale of the merchandise to be presented Island display a featured display space viewable from all sides Who decides what goes into display window Typically o Corporate Buyer goes to market shoes the corporate teams and then they decide what goes into the windows Know the different merchandising functions that windows have Fashion apparel windows feature o The stores newest trend merchandise o How current trend garments may be coordinated with accessories Home fashion windows feature o The latest dining trend o Candles dinnerware and table linens that relate to the dinner theme o Furniture and home furnishing accessories Sale windows announce o The stores major sale events o May not feature any merchandise at all Drive by windows feature o Masses or merchandise larger than life graphics backdrops and intense well lit color schemes o Live or demo windows feature o Live models Interactive windows feature panels on the exterior glass Promotional Windows o Invitations to passerby to interact with window displays by touching sensitive A promotional display advances a particular concept trend or item Products that are part of an advertising strategy promoting an entire line of o o goods a single item or a storewide event o anniversary pre or post or even end of season o and tell the shopper where they stand in the fashion trends Sometimes a one item display is used to promote the stores fashion image Examples of this type of display can

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FSU CTE 3835 - Final Review

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