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TISSUES Functions establish boundaries protect absorb filtrate excrete secrete sensory reception Boundaries Epithelial tissues Apical surface free surface Basal surface attached surface Basal lamina sheet of noncellular glycoproteins on basal surface Reticular lamina extracellular network of collagen o Covering and lining all body surfaces next to lumen Tight junctions and desmosomes SIMPLE 1 cell layer thick can t withstand much tension STRATIFIED multiple layers protection from friction PSEUDOSTRATIFIED 1 layer looks like several found in areas of limited movement SQUAMOUS flat cells CUBOIDAL cube shaped cells COLUMNAR taller than they are wide TRANSITIONAL dome shaped for stretching and lining of cavities o Glandular make up the glands Compose the glands of the body Glad is a cell s specialized for secretion into ducts onto surfaces or into blood most secreted substances are water based Exocytosis to expel things so they can cross phospholipid membrane EXOCRINE secretes into a duct or onto surface sweat glands gallbladder pancreas ENDOCRINE are ductless secrete hormones into bloodstream UNICELLULAR one celled gland goblet cells secrete mucus and are a mucous gland protein in mucus called mucin lubrication MULTICELLULAR very simple or complex MEROCRINE product accumulates in cell then released through exocytosis into cavity cell intact after HOLOCRINE basal layer of gland replicates and entire cell is sent out cell ruptures and is replaced by process saliva sweat pancreatic glands gland later ex Hair Connective tissues Structural elements o Ground substance fluid in background adhesion proteins to hold everything together o Fibers all stuck in ground substance can be elastic stretchy reticular web or collagen strength o Cells cells are all stuck in the ground substances Classifications BONE calcified background substance CARTILAGE BLOOD CONNECTIVE PROPER Muscle tissues Cells modified for contraction fibers thicken and shorten Provide movement and heat when contracted Cells contain sarcolemma plasma membrane and sarcoplasm cytoplasm Types SKELETAL striations multiple nuclei per cell voluntary CARDIAC striations intercalated discs one nucleus per cell involuntary movement SMOOTH no striations spindle cells involuntary ex Stomach Nervous tissues Changes stimuli s energy into an electrical impulse Has neurons big parts and neuroglia little dots TISSUE DEFENSES FIRST LINE Mechanical cutaneous membranes keep from friction and tearing an actual barrier to keep things out Cilia in mucosea in respiratory tract trap and grab things trying to get in Chemical stomach acids break down bacteria skin has acid mantle lining of vagina is acidic TISSUE REPAIR PROCESS 1 Inflammation damaged tissue becomes inflamed traits red swell heat pain a Chemicals released by injured cells macrophages and mast cells activated b Capillaries dilate and become permeable white blood cells and plasma fluid leak into injured area c Clotting proteins construct a clot and accumulate at the site hold margins of wound d Scab forms when blood clot dries in the air 2 Organization blood clot replaced by granulation tissue over time light pink tissue lots of fiber a New capillary bed made and blood supply restored b Fibroblasts close margins of wound by dividing and form collagen fibers fibrosis c Macrophages digest the blood clot 3 Regeneration replacement of tissue with same type 4 Fibrosis scar forms VITAMINS A epithelium B nervous repair C blood connective D bones E no scars K clotting MEMBRANES Multicellular continuous sheets composed of at least 2 tissue types o o epithelium bound to underlying connective exceptions synovial membranes have only connective noncovering and nonlining membranes are different also Covering and lining membranes CUTANEOUS skin Dry Exposed to the air Keratin is dead layer of protective cells Keratin layer of stratified squamous connected to dense irregular Stratified squamous or simple columnar attached to loose connective areolar MUCOUS lines internal body cavity open to the exterior Absorption and secretion Mucosae is name for these membranes SEROUS looks shiny and covers organs Line closed ventral body cavities 2 layers visceral on organ parietal on cavity Made of simple squamous epithelium and loose connective All of them named serosae Moist because secretion hyaluronic acid and carb rich Serous fluids PLEURA lines the lungs and thoracic cavity PERICARDIUM lines the heart and outer portion of heart PERITONEUM lines abdominopelvic cavity and organs SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES line cavities of the joints Cushions and lubricates so joints don t grind No epithelium only connective Secretes synovial fluid INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Skin hair nails glands receptors Skin covers entire body weighs 9 11 pounds 7 total body mass 1 5 4 4 mm thick o EPIDERMIS stratified squamous protection o DERMIS rich blood supply fibrous connective o HYPODERMIS adipose tissue covering muscle cushions thickens w age Epidermal cells o KERATINOCYTES keratinization majority of epidermal cells slough off and die 25 45 days for entire epidermis to be replaced o MELANOCYTES produce pigment called melanin which darkens skin deep in epidermis respond to UV radiation o LANGERHAN S CELLS derivatives of bone marrow that migrated away from bone and are in epidermis function as phagocytic o MERKEL CELLS in stratum spinosum respond to light touch with receptors Epidermal layers from ectoderm or outer embryonic layer 1 Stratum corneum horny layer dead cells stratum lucidum here in thick skin but not in thin living cells 3 Stratum spinosum prickly layer several cells thick 4 Stratum basale base layer germinal layer aka reproduction 2 Stratum granulosum granules 3 5 cells thick lamellated granules with glycolipid first layer of Dermal layers from mesoderm 1 Papillary dermis undulations and irregularity areolar tissue papillae extend upwards 2 Reticular dermis dense irregular connective tissue Skin color determined by pigments o Melanin primary determinant captures UV radiation o Carotene accumulates but not produced in dermis gives skin yellow color o Hemoglobin Caucasian skin pink bc can see hemoglobin below darker skin has more of it Ridges Fingerprints o Whirls deltas spirals etc o No 2 people have the same print can use all 5 in a court case Increase our grip and leave behind oils when we touch things o Grooves Sudoriferous glands o Grooves in skin are from when humans used to be covered with hair o ECCRINE Sweat glands that help with

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Clemson BIOL 2230 - Epithelial tissues

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