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Balance Sheet 02 05 2014 Assets are broken down into four sections Current Assets Long term investments Property plant and equipment PPE Intangible Assets Current Assets can be listed in their order of liquidity Easiness to convert to cash Cash Short term investments Accounts receivable Notes receivable Inventory Supplies Prepaid insurance Property plant and equipment Land Buildings Machinery equipment vehicles Intangible assets Long term investments will most likely include only long term investments o In some cases the things you have acquired under PPE will depreciated in value Once this occurs you have to subtract the accumulated depreciation from said categories Current Liabilities things that must be paid within the next year or operating cycle whichever is longer Goodwill Copyrights Franchises Patents Brands trademarks and other intangible assets Liabilities are broken down in three categories Current liabilities Long term liabilities Stockholders equity Notes payables Accounts payable Interest payable Salaries payable Unearned revenue Current portion of long term debt Taxes payable Long term liabilities take longer than a year Long term debt Bonds payable Mortgage not payable Noncurrent liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Stockholders Equity Assets S E Liabilities o Retained earnings statement Beginning RE net income revenues expenses dividends Ending RE Earnings Per Share Net Income Preferred Stock Dividends Average Common Shares Outstanding 02 05 2014 Average Common Shares Beginning outstanding shares Ending Outstanding shares All divided by 2 02 05 2014

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LSU ACCT 2000 - Balance Sheet

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