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Unit 3 II Greek Philosophy o Plato Student of Socrates Theory of the forms The Academy Joining a group of thinkers for a way of life Plato and followers tried to understand what the perfect forms were Separates himself from public stuff in Athens Thought democracy is bad People with little understanding shouldn t have as much as a say then the philosophers Plato s Platonic thoughts get copied many times and relate to Christian documents o Aristotle Came to the Academy from the North He was a teenager He had an accent Stayed at the Academy for 20 years Rejects Plato s ideas Gets hired by the King of Macedonia to tutor his son After Aristotle comes back to Athens he creates a rival school called Lyceum Believed there was universal truth didn t believe you figured it out by thinking about the perfect world Don t think about it act on it Work with what you got and analyze with our world Worked with many different subjects o Zoology o Biology o Politics Ask people what the best form of government is send people to random cities and analyze systems of government The majority thought to be sovereign Democracy Hellenistic Greece o The rise of Macedonia o Hellenistic means Greek like o A lot of constant fighting between the cities no sense of unity until conquest by Macedonia Had the same religion of Greeks love of Homer Not many Cities tribal society with warrior elites Harsh weather Timber Athenians colonize the edge of Macedonia to get timber for there boats Southern Greeks thought Macedonians were backwards Macedonians usually the butt if jokes Not seen as a threat until Philip of Macedon 359 BC United Macedonians against foreigners Married to Olympias 338 BC conquered southern Greece o Some alliances came from this o Their oldest son was Alexander o Battle of Chaeronea Begins to unify Macedonians under his rule as king Begins attacking cities of North o Most Greeks thought it was no big deal o One guy spoke speeches of Demosthenes worried about the Macedonians o Philip annihilates hoplites in the South o 18 year old Alexander the Great goes along o Alexander the Great Becomes king at 20 Surprises everyone solidifies power Assassinates rivals Attacks Thebes as an example not to test Alexander Leaves one house standing the house of a poet Gains control of Greek cities Invades the Persian empire 334 BC Stops at Troy and makes a sacrifice at tomb of Achilles 5 000 cavalry of Macedonians and 30 000 Hoplites First encounter with Darius is at Asia Minor o Strike hard at Darius he retreats o Alexander doesn t follow but begins to travel along the coast liberating all of the Greek cities from Persian rule Meets Darius for a second battle of Isthmus Freed people from Persian oppression Frees the Egyptians sets up Greek style cities and names it after himself o Tells them he s their Pharaoh and God and they worship him He s taking over the Persian empire o Tells the Persians who are fighting against him can now join them Allowed Persian cavalry to join his cavalry Encourage them to find wives Conquers Pactrian and takes Roxanne as his wife o Facing heavy opposition from troops who want to go home o Finally let them go home they go through the desert He plans another attack at Babylon o Suddenly got a fever at 32 and died 3 GENERALS TAKE OVER Antigonus Seleucus Ptolemy o Take over and splits the king into three sections of land o Antigonus took over the o Seleucus took over western homeland asia minor o Ptolemy took Egypt o Each of these men start dynasties of Macedonian territories o Antigonids Seleucids Ptolemies Dynasties that lasted many generations Becomes the language of politics rulers trade and an Greek Language intellectual language Ptolemaic dynasty Became a intellectual center Created a library of Alexandria with a copy of every book that passed through the area Greek translation of the bible Places that embraced Hellenistic culture but also people who In Jerusalem we have an attempt to force Hellenization onto the Jewish population this causes a revolt that is now commemorated with Hanukkah hated it Origins of Rome o Italian geography Shaped like a boot Makes travel difficult because it forms a barrier Rome is on the Tiber River Peninsula surrounded by water The water helps protects them Located in the middle of the Mediterranean world Rome is located in an ancient volcanic region This meant there were lots of hills and very fertile soil o Beginnings of Rome o Etruscans Lived on a small hill where they farmed the valleys around them They were farmers but soldiers when they needed to be Highly advanced civilization in terms of politics and culture They had a written language o We still haven t figured it out o Their writings didn t survive They traded and had contact with the Greeks Built with wood so their buildings didn t survive decomposed Tombs were built in valleys out of stone Bee hive shaped with small entrances Dead were buried with grave goods o Showed that Etruscans were influenced by the Greeks o Had life size Bronze statues and chariots o Hills of Rome Palatine Hill Capitoline Hill Place for the main Roman god Jupiter Valley in between the hills Evidence of draining of the marsh and filling with soil o Creates the Roman Forum A big open place where public life happens o Romulus and Remus Their father had a dream that they would destroy his kingdom so he exposes them to the gods The twins are found by a wolf who cares for them Their real father was Mars the Roman god of warfare Romulus kills Remus and gives his name to Rome Statue of babies with wolf Some believe it was made by Etruscans o Aeneas story Aeneas was a Trojan prince who escaped from burning Troy He eventually marries a Roman woman and they are the start of the Roman people Virgil wrote an epic poem called The Aeneid o Romans begin having rivalries and fights with neighboring hilltop towns and they become successful at conquering the other towns Instead of enslaving they assimilate conquered people This makes them stronger Eventually they conquer the Etruscans and Greeks in the south By 200 BC all of Italy is Roman Soldiers are given free land in newly conquered territories as a reward for fighting Era of the Seven Kings 753 509 BC o Tarquin the Proud King of Rome o Sextus Tarquinius Son of the king Raped Lucretia the wife of Tarquin the Proud o Lucretia Asks her father and husband to avenge her rape Commits sucide by stabbing herself o Form the republic after this because of their hatred of kings o See

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