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Egypt Tuesday September 2 2014 3 18 PM The Book of the Dead pgs 38 49 1 1 2 The democratization of death Common people even concern with moving on the afterlife Review Questions What does this text reveal about the Egyptians concept of the next life and in particular about the individual s eligibility for it Can you detect any parallels in the beliefs of later religious systems a b Had to live a good life to have a good afterlife Christian belief about ten commandments and heaven and hell 2 How ideally was on to conduct oneself in order to appear blameless before the gods 3 What does this text have to say about Egyptian social values a Just and fair Akhenaton s Hymn to the Aton Review Questions What kinds of powers does this hymn ascribe to the Aton What is the king s relationship to his newly elevated god a a Creator He adores him Lecture 8 3 14 Egyptian Civilization 3000 1000 BCE Nile Pharaoh Egypt situated around this valley 4 000 mi River valley Also situated around deserts Concentrated population easier to control Hard to create independent city state conquer single ruler Concentrated in lower Nile valley Nile god divine source of society source of life Egypt the gift of the Nile Floods and flows with predictability Agriculture stable and productive First communities 3500 BCE 3100 BCE United upper and lower Egypt under rule Nile god divine source of society source of life Egypt the gift of the Nile Floods and flows with predictability Agriculture stable and productive First communities 3500 BCE 3100 BCE United upper and lower Egypt under rule Dominated history of ancient Egypt more so than Mesopotamian rulers Turn into state viable kingdom Associate most with Egyptian culture pop culture Pharaohs absolute rulers Pyramids are built Pharaohs established early on that they were gods divine Advantages of declaring divine nature Pharaoh Old Kingdom 3100 2200 BCE Unquestionable Establish authority Disadvantages What if something goes wrong Explanations Theatrics Expected you will look out for welfare of subjects Tried to associate themselves with good things in Egyptian society Nile Pharaoh ruled absolutely No code of law like in Babylon Had a small court that executed wishes Family members Used priests to solidify rule because of divine nature Religion and government worked together to reinforce political authority Ruled through propaganda Pyramids Sphinx Located in lower Egypt Middle Kingdom 2100 1700 BCE Pharaohs moved to Upper Egypt central Nile Valley Built monuments to themselves Exhausted treasury from old kingdom Middle kingdom more modest Less grand and expensive Interested in expanding power of Egypt beyond Nile valley Conquest Land expansion Trade New land influences New Kingdom 1600 1100 BCE Foreign armies invade and conquer Egypt consequence of opening up trade Foreign armies invade and conquer Egypt consequence of opening up trade Interested in expanding power of Egypt beyond Nile valley Conquest Land expansion Trade New land influences New Kingdom 1600 1100 BCE Most successful of all dynasties Last great age of ancient Egypt As big and powerful as it will get in ancient world Expand Sphere of influence control Influenced by old kingdom pharaohs Pharaohs King Tut Akenaten Last great era Last attempt to create successful society Way old kingdom pharaohs kept up appearance of gods Tombs only for the pharaoh Limestone blocks Oriented along point of compass Purpose so the pharaoh would have a place to rest after death Egyptians held strong beliefs in afterlife Pharaohs take many things to afterlife Pyramids Pets Servants Food Weapons Mode of transportation Boat Mummified with pharaoh Believed pharaohs would be judged Osiris Isis Osiris God of underworld Judge of Pharaohs Good v evil life Heart presented on scale The Book of the Dead Sense of Egyptian morality and ethics Egyptians had more positive view of gods Isis Good v evil life Heart presented on scale The Book of the Dead Sense of Egyptian morality and ethics Egyptians had more positive view of gods Isis Goddess of fertility Of people land and animals Lived in benign climate and environment Polytheistic but emphasis on afterlife Egyptians first to articulate religion is about morality Akenaten 1350 BCE New Kingdom Pharaoh Wanted absolute power Presented himself as divine Change religion of Egypt so all worship would be directed at one god Aten Akenaten lover of Aten Forced temples dedicated to other gods to be closed priests People forbidden to worship any other god Made him very unpopular People rebel against Akenaten very rare instance downfall new pharaoh reintroduces gods One god Affiliated with the sun Became focus of worship under Akenaten Hymn to celebrate Aten and pharaoh Aten Monotheism monolatry Association Monotheism worship of one god Monolatry belief in many gods with focus on one Akenaten and Aten

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