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MK Review Office hours Friday 12 1 30 Wednesday 12 30 4 30 12 03 2014 MC Why to get products to consumers in right place at right time Structure can be direct online wholesaler one intermediary Why are interdmiediaries imporatn more efficient better for customers Channel power dictate if product gets seen manu strong brand Pricing and margins and markups Considerations cost based value based competitor market based Justification Markup based on cost Margin based on what you are selling it for IMC 1 and 2 Communication process things you do to get your messag about your product out to buyer through the right medium to that audience Elemetns advertising online sales promotions personal selling pr Media Reach number of people you will reach in a certain peoprod of time frequency how many people did you reach and how often did you reach thm cpm way to compare cost cacross different mediums averga Personal selling process generating leads meeting blah Sale management process structure org recruit train evaluate comp Salary vs commission trade offs How many sales people how many hours of selling required and how many hours one sales person can give you Find switching point sales volume from manu rep to own sales force computation 12 03 2014 12 03 2014

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BU SMG MK 323 - MK Review

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