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Lecture Outline The Crusades Period when European expeditions moved towards the Holy Land liberating it from Turkish control Why did the Crusades occur First crusade and massacre at Jerusalem Saladin o His role as a pan Islamic unifying figure Effects of Crusades o Islamic World o Western Development Why are the Crusades more important to Western civilization when they happened in the Middle East The Islamic Threat Islam spreads from Mecca to North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula When do the Crusades happen 11th century 1099 Why do Christians not react in 661 AD when Jerusalem was first conquered by Islam 1 Europe 500 AD Worried about reconstruction Some of Europe isn t Christian yet Angles and Saxons 2 Europe under siege 800 900 AD Fighting off Vikings Muslims Magyar 3 Islamic Spain Why do things change What events inside Europe trigger the Crusades Conditions in Western Europe o Fortress Europe Massive military build up Lots of knights to fight Muslims Vikings Magyar Now they re fighting each other since these threats died down The Pope gives them an enemy to keep them from fighting each other Increase in Piety o Investiture Controversy Conflict between church and state Determined that the Pope was the military power Reconquista o Re conquer ultimately Jerusalem but first they want the Muslims out of Spain The Reconquista Muslims in Europe is an affront to Christianity They believed that Europe was set apart by God Important Kingdoms in Spain Aragon and Castille o Catherine of Aragon o Ferdinand and Isabella Sponsored Columbus o Why is 1492 a significant year Liberation of Iberian Peninsula Spanish Inquisition get Jews and Muslims out of Spain The Crusades allowed people to get Condolences purchase forgiveness for salvation What events outside Europe trigger the Crusades 1 Church of Holy Sepulcher Represents Built on site where Jesus was crucified Al Hakim attacked and burned this church 2 Battle of Manzikert 1071 AD Seljuk Turks After battle Turkish army takes Anatolian Peninsula Byzantine Anatolian Peninsula most of food and wealth now gone Also all major trade locations gone Why is this a problem for Charlemagne Turks are now right next door to Constantinople Emperor Alexios I Why is this bold Bold strategy Sends appeal to Bishop of Rome asks for support Great Schism Bishop of Rome and Patriarch of Constantinople went separate ways Asks Roman emperor to send mercenaries men who fight for money Council of Clermont 1093 AD People of Europe don t care about Christians in Constantinople They see them as heretics Why does Urban II promote a crusade o Stop fighting at home o Reverse the Great Schism 1020 s hasn t been very long since the churches separated Raymond of Toulouse What motivates Christian fighters Adventure Debtors forgiven if they go to the Crusades Prisoners free if they go to the Crusades Knight they re honored if they go to war Raymond of Toulouse Powerful figure of Crusades from France had to pay for it himself They believed they were doing what God wanted them to do Why did he do it First Crusade 1096 1099 AD 4 armies from 4 Kings 1 Godfrey of Bouillon 2 Raymond of Toulouse 3 Hugh of Vermandois 4 Jeffrey of Bohemend Alexios upset who are the people loyal to Their Kings They re just as likely to attack Constantinople as they are to defend it Most throw open the doors to their cities and the Western Europeans had an easy time This Crusade was successful Why The Islamic princes were fighting Turkish ruler gone from Anatolia o Muslims fighting amongst themselves Empire of Seljuk Turks 1092 AD Nobody knows who the Western Europeans are Jerusalem is more difficult Siege of Jerusalem Take shoes off and march around walls like Jericho Breech wall with siege towers Slaughter Arabs Jews and Byzantines Before massacre of Jerusalem Westerners are just new people good fighters After Jerusalem they re not welcome anywhere because of the mindless bloodshed that happened in Jerusalem Crusader States Europeans establish their own states in the Holy Land Will be covered in next lecture

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KSU HIST 11050 - The Crusades

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