Chemistry 1202 Section 2 Fall 2006 9 10 10 30 T Th 103 Williams Prof George G Stanley 614 Choppin Hall 578 3471 E mail gstanley lsu edu Chemistry 1202 Section 2 Prof George G Stanley Fall 2006 E Mail gstanley lsu edu 9 10 10 30 TTh 103 Williams 614 Choppin Hall 578 3471 Bonus points can be revoked for poor class behavior 25 250 pts Weds Dec 13 7 30 9 30 AM 15 6 pts each total of 150 points 30 10 homeworks 30 pts each total of 300 pts 40 pts bonus max 6 or 12 pts bonus max Three hourly exams dates could change 30 100 pts each total of 300 points Sept 28 Oct 26 Nov 30 Final Exam 25 in class Quizzes Homework Bonus Homework assignment 1 or 2 bonus quizzes Required Notes Full copy of class lecture notes includes 2 yrs of previous homework assignments exams with answer keys are posted on Prof Stanley s web site free download Black white hard copies will be sold by the Chemistry Graduate Student Council the first week of classes with an estimated cost of 20 available from Prof Stanley after that I strongly recommend that you use a printed set of notes in class and annotate them with additional information presented during lecture Recommended Text any General Chemistry book see me if you have questions as to the suitability of a specific textbook Internet Web Site http chemistry lsu edu stanley Helpful information Class notes Assignments Announcements Exams There will be three 80 minute hourly exams during class and a comprehensive group final exam jointly prepared by professors teaching 1202 sections Make up hourly exams are available to students who have legitimate medical excuses or other reasons that are up to me to decide whether I will allow you to take a make up exam In order to be considered for a make up exam you MUST contact me within 24 hrs of the exam I can factor a missed exam homeworks quizzes out of your final grade under special circumstances once again up to me to decide There are two make up Final exams but you need to get permission from your Dean to take the make up Final The overall grading percentages are shown below Quizzes There will be 25 regular in class quizzes usually one per lecture Each quiz will consist of a relatively simple question on the material being lectured on Blank quiz sheets will be available at the beginning of each class to be used for each daily quiz pick one up and fill in your name printed signed when you enter the classroom The quizzes serve several functions 1 you will learn more if you come to class and this allows me to determine attendance 2 they minimize talking and not paying attention in class a pop quiz helps motivate you to focus on the lecture 3 I get important feedback on what you are learning or not learning in class Homework There will be 10 graded homework assignments for this course several may be combined into double 60 pt homework sets Students can work on the homework together in study groups of one to six or more Each student in a study group however must turn in their own hand written copy of the homework Each study group should hand in the names of the students that will be involved in that study group by Friday Sept 1st Sheets of paper with element names will be handed out in class and posted on the bulletin board outside my office Groups will be referred to by the assigned element names please use the full element name not the symbol on your homework Homework s handed in late without medical or other official justification will lose 10 points per day turned in late 20 pts day for double credit assignments Once I post the answer key for a homework however I will not accept that homework assignment Students who want to work alone should still sign up on an element sheet and work as a group of one Failure to sign up for an element group may result in loss of some or all available bonus points You are welcome to change groups at any time just let me know if you switch groups Class Discussion I will be asking questions in class to study groups and calling on them by their study group element name so please remember your study group element name The group if sitting together will be able to discuss the question and answer as a group I therefore suggest that study groups try to sit near one another in class When I ask your group a question you will be allowed a short period of time to discuss the question and answer it A bonus credit reward for good class discussion will be given based on 1 or 2 extra in class bonus quizzes availability dependent on class behavior Bonus Homework Assignment There will be one bonus homework service learning assignment worth a maximum of 40 points It will involve visiting a K 12 class and performing a set of themed science chemistry demonstrations for that class LSU ChemDemo program The teacher in the class will evaluate your teaching skills and give you up to 20 points for your presentation You are also required to type a 2 4 page essay on your experience in the classroom performing the ChemDemo this will be worth a maximum of 20 points Extra points for this may be made available Details on this bonus homework assignment will be handed out separately Group members that visit K 12 classrooms together can work together on the bonus essay but I expect the essays to be somewhat different and for you to put in your own personality and perspectives into the essay Grading Scale NO CURVE All grades will be posted on Semester Book A 100 90 B 89 80 C 79 70 D 69 60 F below 60 Office Hours I have open office hours so feel free to stop by anytime except lunch 12 1 PM Fridays after 3 25 PM we usually have departmental seminars and 30 mins before lecture I will announce other times when I know that I will not be around If my office door is closed I am not around or extremely busy If you see me talking to someone in my office you may interrupt if you have a brief question or wish to turn something in to me Otherwise please show good manners and wait or come back a little later Please feel free to call before coming over to check if I am around I have an answering machine so feel free to leave a message I am more than willing to make specific appointment times to meet with you even on evenings not late and weekends 2 Exam Help Review Sessions There will generally be 2 help review sessions immediately prior to each exam on Tuesday and Wednesday at times and locations to be announced I review homework assignments and answer questions about the lecture material previous homeworks and …
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