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Key Terms Week 5 Athenian Golden Age Hellenistic Era Peloponnesian War Cycle of wars between Athens and Sparta and their allies bitter set of wars that ended in the Athenian defeat and surrender to Sparta in 404 Devastated families and society in general Herodotus The ancient Greek known as the Father of History his accounts of the wars between the Greeks and Persians are the first known examples of historical writing Herodotus tries to understand and analyze the cause of this war and presented evidence to the origin of war Themes included First theme Clash of civilizations Persians are barbarians destined to clash with Greeks Persians are seen as barbarian dark skinned people being called a Persian is an insult becomes an adjective commonly used to describe someone as less than the Greek people Second theme You can and should stand up to bullies and win power over them Thucydides Parthenon Athenian historian political philosopher and general who lost a series of battles in the Athenian wars was fired and exiled Writes History of the Peloponnesian War recounting the 5th century BC war between Sparta and Athens to the year 411 BC It is a fragmentary work Nonetheless a remarkable work describes the war as a war like no other for its bitterness brutality there was nothing noble at the end of the war Addresses the question What is war about He upholds Athens as an example of civilization magnificent temple on the Acropolis of Athens built between 447 and 438 BCE and was dedicated to the city s patron deity Athena Even through explosions pollution damage and thousands of years aging the Parthenon still stands in the modern city of Athens as a testimony to its ancient glory The Parthenon was built in devotion to Athena ancient sculptures were depicted such as Greek gods taming wild and crazy monsters the sculptures also included ordinary citizens to show how everyone was included and thought as equal funding the citizens stole money to build the Parthenon Philosophia existence Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge reality and Meaning Love of Wisdom in Greek Origin of Athenian society and contexts The people of this time thought that once you knew what you knew you should spread that knowledge with the world and from here Philosophy and Politics were born Idiota person with no mind understanding etc who refused politics is no man at all and is an Idiota or an Idiot Every man had a moral obligation to use knowledge in politics Sophists Sophists were travelling professional teachers and intellectuals who frequented Athens and other Greek cities in the second half of the fifth century BCE In return for a fee the sophists offered young wealthy Greek men an education in ar te virtue or excellence thereby attaining wealth and fame while also around significant hostility and hatred from others Socrates One of the greatest Greek philosophers to have ever lived who developed a method of questioning designed to expose weaknesses in the interrogated He believed this to be crucial in the quest for wisdom Plato He was a model citizen who had a bad habit of asking questions of people in power and influence He questioned everything about life followed every answer with why He also taught the young philosopher Plato Another great ancient Greek philosopher student of Socrates Plato is regarded as the initiator of western philosophy He is well known for his theory of ideas Believed the Kings of the government should be Philosophers and Philosophers should therefore be Kings Founded a school in Athens called the Academy Most of his writings are dialogues Best known dialogues would include the Republic which discusses the just state Believed the best form of government was a republic Plato s The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at his trial defending himself and his conduct certainly not apologizing for it He soon became Aristotle s teacher but was put to death by his own peers Aristotle Greek philosopher whose focus was on that of logic ethics politics poetics and more He observed the world exactly as it was in front of him He studied ideals vs learned knowledge observations of nature and origins of the world His works influenced Tragedy Sophocles Ethics what is the best way for us to interact between one another Aristotle believed that balance Meaning frugality and being magnanimous Frugality the quality of being economical with money or food being thrifty Magnanimous Being very generous or forgiving especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself C 496 406 BCE Sophocles was one of the famous and celebrated writers of tragedy plays in ancient Greece Some of his surviving works include Odeipus the King Antigone and Women of Trachis Oedipus the King is about the famous king who loved his mother a little too much Antigone is about a woman torn between public and private duty Women of Trachis is about the wife of Hercules and her failed attempt to regain her husband s affections His plays drew on the classic tales of Greek mythology Comedy Aristophanes The most famous writer of Old Comedy plays in ancient Greece and his surviving works are the only examples of that style His comedies provided much insight into many of the political and social aspects of ancient Greece Symposium was an important part of ancient Greek culture it was a party held in a private home where Greek males gathered to drink eat and sing together Philosophy was often discussed Aristophanes plays include symposia scenes Plato devoted a whole dialogue to the practice of Symposium using the characters of Socrates Aristophanes and two other philosophers of that time to create a scene of celebration of release of a successful play They end up discussing the meaning of love and do so until very early in the morning Macedonia s leader who was officially king by 357 He used skilled military and diplomatic tactics to expand his country s territory and influence and ended up dominating almost of all of his neighboring Greek city states Took the most advantage developed an army that was paid professional army paid by the royal treasury Lover of Horses Philip in Greek meaning invaded Greek heartland and defeated that territory dream was to defeat the Persians assassinated in court entry c 336 and left the crown to his son Alexander the Great Philip of Macedon Alexander the Great Leader of cavalry that soon became king Capable general highly educated charismatic attractive Complete package as a leader who

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