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Chapter 3 Social and Mobile Marketing The 4E Framework for Social Media The term social media refers to content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate interpersonal interactions Excite customers with relevant offers Educate them about the offering Help them Experience products whether directly or indirectly Give them an opportunity to Engage with their social network Categories of Social Media Social network sites excellent way for marketers to create excitement the first of the 4 Es o Creators those hip cool contributors sit at the cutting edge and plan to stay there Social media give them new ways to post and share their creative clever ideas o Bonders are social butterflies who use social media to enhance and expand their relationships which they consider all important in their lives o Professionals who are constantly on the go and busy want to appear efficient with everything together so they use social media to demonstrate just how smart they are o Sharers really want to help others and the best way to do so is by being constantly well informed so that they can provide genuine insights to others Media Sharing Sites In terms of the 4E framework companies use such sites to highlight how consumers can experience their goods or services as well as encourage consumers to engage with the firm its other social media outlets and other consumers ex youtube Flickr and other phone sites Thought Sharing Sites In terms of the 4E framework blogs are particularly effective at educating and engaging users and in many cases enhance their experience with the products and services being discussed o Blogs Corporate blogs which are created by the companies themselves have the highest level of control because to a large degree they can control the content posted on them Professional blogs are those written by people who review and give recommendations on products and services Marketers often offer free products or provide modest remuneration to top rated professional bloggers in the hopes of getting a good product review Marketers have less control over professional bloggers than they do their own corporate blogs Personal blogs are written by people that receive no products or remuneration for their efforts Thus of the various types of blogs marketers have the lowest level of control over this type o Microblog differs from a traditional blog in size short sentences short videos or individual images ex Twitter Going Mobile and Social Price check apps Using a price checking app such as at Amazon or Stylish Girl customers can scan a product in a store and instantly compare the prices online to see whether a better deal is available Fashion apps The consumers who are most likely to use mobile media also are likely to buy from technology and fashion oriented firms whether they are fashion or technology retailers sell fashion magazine content or brand information Location based Gamified Games Customers can download several free apps that use the GPS function of their phone to share what they are doing where they are and when they re doing it Companies use these apps to build loyalty by making patronage a game a process known as gamification How do Firms Engage Their Customers Using Social Media Listen Marketers can analyze the content found on sites like Facebook Twitter online blogs and reviews to assess the favorableness or unfavorableness of the sentiments using a technique known as sentiment analysis Analyze o First it is important to determine the amount of traffic using their sites visiting their blogs or tweeting about them Measures used for this purpose include hits i e total requests for a page visits to a particular site or page unique visitors to the site and page views i e the number of times any pages gets viewed by a visitor o Second while knowing how many people are using a firm s social media is important it is even more critical to learn who those visitors are what they are doing and what engages and excites them To analyze these factors social media marketers use metrics such as the bounce rate which refers to the percentage of times a visitor leaves the site almost immediately such as after viewing only one page Analyzing which pages are the most frequent entry and exit locations provide direction on how to make a website more effective In addition following visitors click paths shows how users proceed through the information not unlike how grocery stores try to track the way shoppers move through their aisles A firm can use this information to provide users with an easier navigation experience through the site so they can more quickly find what they are looking for The data analysis can also reveal conversion rates a measure that indicates what percentage of visitors or potential customers act as the marketer hopes whether by clicking buying or donating Click paths and conversion rates can also reveal what users might have wanted but not found on the site o Third some companies want to analyze data that comes from other sites such as measuring where people have come from to get to the company s site Firms can use keyword analysis to determine what keywords people use to search on the Internet for their products and services With this information they can refine their websites by choosing keywords to use on their site that their customers use Then they can assess the ROI of the investment made by improving the site This would be done by calculating the incremental profit increase divided by the investment on the site improvement Do Managing Your Individual Brand Value in a Social Media World Measures of individual social media effectiveness or equity use metrics such as social reach which refers to how many people a person influences e g number of individuals in the person s social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn influence which is the extent to which the person influences others e g how much do the people in a person s network read that person s content and extended network or the influence of the person s extended network that is the cumulative number of members 10 000 5 100 members each having 100 members of their own Chapter 18 Integrated Marketing Communications IMC represents the Promotion P of the four Ps It encompasses a variety of communication disciplines advertising personal selling sales promotion public relations direct marketing and online marketing including social media in combination to provide clarity consistency and maximum

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