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In this study guide you will learn the effects of the Protestant and Catholic reformations on the visual art produced in Europe You will learn about the division of regions between the two religions And you will also the art produced by artists of this time in France Spain German England and the southern Netherlands Which reformations divided the states between the Protestant and Catholic religions The Protestant and Catholic reformations divided the states between the Protestant and Catholic religions Which countries remained Catholic during the Protestant reformation France and Spain were two countries that remained Catholic during the Protestant reformation Which countries adopted the new Protestant faith during the Protestant reformation Germany England and the southern Netherlands adopted the new Protestant faith during the Protestant reformation What was a result of the destruction of religious items between the Protestants and the Catholics Because of the destruction of religious items between the Protestants and the Catholics artists had to sell their secular work in marketplaces rather than waiting for a commissioner France What famous revival of tapestry was commissioned by the court members in France The Unicorn in Captivity is a famous revival of tapestry that was commissioned by the court members in France What does the Unicorn in Captivity represent The Unicorn in Captivity represents the hunt death and resurrection of a unicorn Spain During the Spanish Inquisition which famous artists of 16th century Spain rose to fame During the Spanish Inquisition Domenikos Theotokopoulos El Greco rose to fame in 16th century Spain What is El Greco s most famous commissions El Greco s most famous commissions is The Burial of Count Orgaz What piece is The Burial of Count Orgaz often compared to The Burial of Count Orgaz is often compared to The Descent from the Cross by Rosso Germany Albrecht Durer Who served as a crucial figure during the Renaissance in Germany Albrecht Durer served as a crucial figure during the Renaissance in Germany What kind of artist was Albrecht Durer Albrecht Durer was a painter and a print maker Which painting of Durer s demonstrates his use of watercolors clarity and naturalism Durer s Hare demonstrates his use of watercolors clarity and naturalism What piece is the Hare often compared to The Hare is often compared to the dog in the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck What is one of Durer s most famous graphics in the woodcut graphic series representing the Apocalypse One of Durer s most famous graphics in the woodcut graphic series representing the Apocalypse is The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Which engraving of Durer s represents his use of Italian and European style Durer s engraving Adam and Eve represents his use of Italian and European style What technique does Durer use to express a tonal and textural detail to his engraving Adam and Eve Durer uses the stipple technique to express a tonal and textural detail to his engraving Adam and Eve What makes the piece extremely influential Durer s signature that rests on the plaque besides Adams head made the piece extremely influential Self Portrait Which portrait of Durer s represents his skill as a painter and fascination with his appearance Durer s Self Portrait represents his skill as a painter and fascination with his appearance What piece is the Durer s Self Portrait often compared to Durer s Self Portrait is often compared to A Man with a Red Turban by Jan van Eyck What does this piece express Durer s Self Portrait expresses his piety and devotion towards art What is Durer s most famous and influential piece Durer s most famous and influential piece is his engraved work Melencolia I Which panel painting demonstrates Durer s use of the austere style and religious work The Four Apostles is a panel painting that demonstrates Durer s use of the austere style and religious work Southern Netherlands Landscape with Patinir Joachim Patinir an artist who specialised in landscapes painted which triptych that demonstrated Flemish traditions Joachim Patinir an artist who specialised in landscapes painted The Penitence of St Jerome that demonstrated Flemish traditions What is The Penitence of St Jerome called because of the focus of the vistas in the background The Penitence of St Jerome is called a world landscape because of the focus of the vistas in the background Pieter Bruegel the Elder Which painter and print designer primarily painted pictures that represented peasant life against landscapes and moral allegories Pieter Bruegel was a painter and print designer primarily painted pictures that represented peasant life against landscapes and moral allegories Which perspective did Bruegel paint in Bruegel painted in inverted perspective What is Bruegel s most memorable paintings depicting peasant life Bruegel s most memorable painting that depicts peasant life is the Peasant Wedding

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HCCC ART 125 - Protestant and Catholic Religions

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