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Characteristics of the Emotionally Healthy Adaptable Sense of meaning in life Determination and effort in being healthy Understanding you aren t the center of the universe Compassion Ability to be selfless Increased depth and satisfaction in intimate relationships Sense of control mentally and physically Mental Health The ability to perceive reality as it is respond to its challenges and develop rational solutions and strategies in living Ability to function and carry out responsibilities Ability to form relationships Realistic perceptions of others motivations Rational thought processes Ability to adapt to change Culture o Cultural influences often affect Americans sense of who they are where they came from and what they believe Positive Psychology Scientific study of human strength and virtues o 3 major areas Study of positive emotion ex hope and trust Positive traits ex wisdom and courage Positive institutions ex strong family and democracy Develop self compassion o Healthy form of self acceptance o Way of separating favorable and unfavorable attitudes about oneself and others 3 components Treating yourself kindly when feeling inadequate by positive self pep talk and self soothing Recognizing discomfort is unavoidable which promotes sense of connection to life even when facing isolation or disappointment Facing painful thoughts without avoiding them or exaggerating them and quelling self pity and drama o EQ Emotional quotient Ability to keep track of emotions and use them to guide one s Boost emotional intelligence thoughts and actions Pursue happiness o 3 major factors in sense of well being Happiness set point life circumstances like income and marriage and thoughts beliefs o People most benefit from happiness are motivated to change and engage in activities known to increase happiness Optimism o Inclination to anticipate best possible outcomes o Go further than expectations and take steps to increase likelihood of good outcomes Boost self esteem o Self esteem is belief or pride in yourself it gives confidence to attempt to achieve goals and to reach out and form relationships o Based on what one believes about themselves and is not something born with develops over time o Develop habit of positive thinking to raise self esteem o Two personality traits conscientiousness and extroversion correlate with different Know yourself behaviors o Personality Isn t destiny Meet your needs o Satisfy basic psychological needs like food and shelter Then fulfillment of higher needs can truly be pursued like safety love and self esteem Self actualization Functioning at highest possible level and has greatest satisfaction from life Manage your moods o Mood More sustained emotional state that colors view of world o Effective way to kill bad mood is changing what caused it initially o Exercise is effective strategy for getting rid of bad moods o Look on light side Humor enables us to express fears and negativity without causing distress to ourselves or others o Develop autonomy Locus of control is internal not external Spiritual Health Ability to identify your basic purpose in life and achieve full potential Spirituality Belief in something that transcends boundaries of self o Scientific evidence Can enhance health and extend life o Greater psychological well being o Prayer religion alter parts of brain associated with stress for better Spiritual intelligence Capacity to understand and tap into oneself others and the world o Enhance spiritual health by Clarifying values How you evaluate things people and yourself what s most important to you o Carefully consider consequences of choices o Choose freely o Publicly affirm by sharing with others o Act out values Enriching spiritual life health Sit quietly Step outside Use activity to tune into one s spirit Trust your spirit Considering power of prayer Forgiving Let go of all anger and pain demanding your time and wasting your energy Reclaim power to choose Cultivating gratitude Grateful spirit brightens mood boosts energy and infuses daily living Gratitude Appreciation for helpful actions of others Sleep Only 1 3 Americans get enough sleep Female students have poorer sleep patterns on average o Not enough sleep Lowers learning and memory Weight gain and metabolism changes At more risk in road accidents or falls Lowered mood and quality of life Heightened hypertension and stress hormones Lowers immune system How to sleep better o Keep regular hours o Don t smoke or drink caffeine in the evening o Don t use alcohol to help o If naps are taken they should be less than 30 minutes Optimal sleep time is 5 10 hours o Average time is 7 1 2 Sleeping pills o Consider over the counter first o Dietary supplements also Mental Health College Students 3 4 of cases have first showings of mental substance use disorders before 24 Life changes break ups can lead to lowered mental health Mental disorder Clinically significant behavioral and psychological syndrome associate with distress or disability or pain o 15 40 of college students develop depression due to sleep loss stress and substance Depression Most common mental disorder abuse o 2x more likely in women o Affects more than 13 million adults in US Different types of depression o Dysthymic disorder Chronic depressed mood o Minor Similar to major but not as severe or numerous Often untreated Effects 7 5 of Americans Exercise and medication often effective o Major numerous severe symptoms Feeling inadequate Hopeless Guilt Low energy Indecisiveness Inability to enjoy activities Feeling depressed Loss of interest Eating more or less Trouble sleeping Withdrawal from others Difficulty concentrating Lack of energy Other physical symptoms such as headache stomach aches chest pain Persistent thoughts of death Treatment o Tailored to each patient s symptoms o Medication most common approach Bipolar Disorder Severe depression alternating between manic and elated episodes Anxiety Disorders Episodes of apprehension tension or uneasiness o Most prevalent type of anxiety disorder o Out of the ordinary irrational intense persistent fears of something o Best treatment is behavioral therapy which is gradual systematic exposure to object of o Involves dizziness light headedness rapid breathing numbness sense of dread o Develops when attacks reoccur or apprehension towards them becomes too intense to Generalized anxiety disorder GAD o Excessive or unrealistic apprehension causing physical symptoms that last 6 months or o

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Macomb PHED 2022 - Emotionally Healthy

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