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What is History o Active pursuit into the past o Herodotus Unit 1 C 484 420 BC Wrote The History of the Persian Wars Historian Inquiry investigation questioning o Primary sources and secondary sources o Types of evidence Documentary or material o Questions o Interpretation How to read a primary source o Level one Who wrote it When was it written What type of document is it Main storyline o Level two o Level three Intended audience Why was it written What are the assumptions made in the source Is this source reliable and or accurate What can I learn about the society person who created this document How does it relate to its context Dating systems o Year of king s rule o Olympic years o Significant events o Jewish calendar Anno Mundi AM 5775 o Islamic calendar Anno Hegirae AH 1436 o Christian calendar Anno Domini AD 2015 o AD CE o BC BCE What is Western Civilization Domestication of animals o When where to begin 8500 BC 8400 BC 6500 BC 3200 BC Jericho Catalhoyuk Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations o Mesopotamians First written documents The land in between two rivers The Euphrates and the Tigris that empty into Persian Gulf modern day Iraq Dry region without many resources Lots of mud because of fast flowing rivers and dirt Little rainfall Lots of labor is needed for irrigation dig ditches and water a field believed in gods who were relatively mean to humans feared the gods Invaded a lot by outsiders Writing became a tool for the leaders to keep control The writing they used was cuniform Civilizations Sumerians Akkadians Assyrians Babylonians o Semitic language group Two Main Western Language Groups o Egyptians o Hebrews o Hittites o Semitic o Indo European Egypt o Nile Relatively slow moving river

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LSU HIST 1001 - Unit 1

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