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Image Depictions Classroom Setting in a typical Medieval University Typical classroom setting for a university The professor would talk in the center of the room and when there were any types of dissection of the human body in the classroom it would lay in the center of the class hall Lombardo s Adam 1490 1495 The life size marble statue of Adam carved by Tullio Lombardo Italian ca 1455 1532 is among the most important works of art from Renaissance Venice to be found outside that city today Made in the early 1490s for the tomb of Doge Andrea Vendramin it is the only signed sculpture from that monumental complex The serene idealized figure inspired by ancient sculpture is deceptively complex Carefully manipulating composition and finish Tullio created God s perfect human being but also the anxious victim of the serpent s wiles Statue of Diadoumenos 69 96 CE Roman Copy of Greek Bronze This statue is known as a Diadoumenos a youth tying a fillet around his head after a victory in an athletic contest It is a first century A D Roman copy of a Greek bronze original dated around 430 B C The original bronze probably stood in a sanctuary such as that at Olympia or Delphi where games were regularly held Ancient literary accounts Lucian Philopseudes 18 Pliny N H xxxiv 15 and over forty known copies attest to the original bronze being one of the most highly esteemed creations of Polykleitos the renowned Greek sculptor from Argos who worked during the mid fifth century B C Both in his sculpture and in a written text the Canon Polykleitos sought to represent the nude male figure with perfect harmony among all parts and according to principles that could be reproduced by others He carefully designed his figures with special attention paid to bodily proportions and stance so that the effect of the whole is singularly harmonious The thorax and pelvis of the Diadoumenos tilt in opposite directions setting up rhythmic contrasts in the torso that create an impression of organic vitality The position of the feet poised between standing and walking give a sense of potential movement This rigorously calculated pose which is found in almost all works attributed to Polykleitos became a standard formula used in Greco Roman and later western European art Indulgence sheet espoused by Henry and Katherine And then there was another special category of indulgences the so called confessional leaves that appear at the beginning of the 14th century says Jan Hrdina When a supplicant usually reasonably wealthy from the pope requested could once or twice in a lifetime especially on his deathbed ask the priest for confession and forgiveness of punishment for all sins committed This popular privilege guaranteed the dying which is used literally straight stairway to heaven Passion of Christ Image depicted far left picture Passion of Christ shows Jesus getting angry he turns over the tables because his people have disgraced his Father God s house far right Anti Christ is the picture of the pope surrounded by priests he is holding indulgences and people are coming up to him and dropping off coins as he gives each of them receipts as a confirmation for their paradise in Heaven Combination of these two pictures displays how Jesus Christ disapproves of the pope s selling of indulgences as a way to Heaven

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