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Food and Nutrition Unit 1 Notes Why we choose the foods we eat o Personal Taste o Culture Social reasons o Trends o Cost o Time o Convenience o Habits o Emotions o Things out of our control Availability Access What is Nutrition o Nutrition the study of how nutrients and compounds in food nourish and effect your body functions and impact your overall health o Good nutrition reduces the risks of many disorders and chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Overweight and Obesity Hypertension Cancer colon and breast Nutritional Genomics o Genes determine your genetic inherited traits Made of DNA which contains the genetic instructions for making proteins that o Nutritional Genomics how specific food components affect gene expression in your direct activities in the body cells and thereby your health Ex Genes may determine the combination of fats that your body needs to lose weight The Essential Nutrients o Six classes of nutrients are essential in the diet Macronutrients needed in larger amounts Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Micronutrients Vitamins Minerals Water o Macronutrients Provide energy in the form of kilocalories A calorie is the amount of energy or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water Food labels use the term calorie refers too kcal Carbohydrates CHO 4kcal g Proteins 4 kcal gram Fats 9kcal g Are organic compounds that contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen Proteins only contain nitrogen atoms Calculations To calculate calories from carbohydrate or protein multiply grams of carbohydrate or protein by 4kcal g o 1 Personal pan pizza contains 69 g of CHO and 26 g of protein o Carbohydrate o Protein 69g x 4 kcal g 276 kcal 26g x 4kcal g 104 kcal To calculate calories from fat multiply grams of fat by 9 kcal g o Fat 24 g x 9kcal g 216 kcal To calculate total amount of kcals add CHO Protein Fat o 276 104 216 596 kcal Calculating of Kcals from each Macronutrients To calculate the percentage of kcals from CHO you would take the kcals from CHO and divide that from the total kcals o 276 kcal from CHO 596 kcals 46 x 100 46 kcals are from CHO Similarly For Fat o 104 kcals 596 17 x 100 17 kcals from protein o 216 kcal 100 36 x 100 36 kcals from fat Functions of Macronutrients Carbohydrates simple and complex supply glucose a major energy source Fats are another major energy source and also o Cushion organs o Insulate body to maintain body temperature Proteins can provide energy but are better suited for o Growth and maintenance of muscle tissues organs o Making hormones enzymes healthy immune system o Transporting other nutrients o Micronutrients Functions of Micronutrients Vitamins and Minerals are essential for metabolism o Assist enzymes in speeding up chemical reactions in the body Example B vitamin are coenzymes in carbohydrate and fat metabolisms o Vitamins are organic compounds o Minerals are inorganic substances Key roles in body process and structures o Water Functions of Water Water is vital for many processes in your body o Part of fluid medium inside and outside of cells o Helps chemical reactions such as those involved in energy production o Key role in transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells and removing waste products from your body o Lubricants for joints eyes moth intestinal tract o Protective cushion for organs Essential Nutrients from the Diet o The best way to meet your nutrient needs is with a well balanced diet that contains A variety of foods providing Essential nutrients from all six classes Fiber Phytochemicals o Whole grains fruits and vegetables are rich sources o Getting nutrients from a supplement is not the same as getting it from the food Essential Nutrients from Supplements o Indications for supplement use When nutrient needs are higher Ex Pregnant women need an iron supplement to meet the increased needs When diet restrictions exist Lactose intolerant people Certain life stages may require close attention to certain nutrients if they are low in the diet then supplementation may be needed What is the current status of the American Diet o Average American Diet is High in o Average American Diet is low in Sodium Saturated Fat Calories Vitamin E Calcium Fiber Potassium Rates of Overweight and Obesity in the US o Incidence of overweight and obesity is on the rise 65 of American adults are overweight and 34 are obese 17 of children ages 6 to 19 are overweight Take in more calories than needed Burn fewer calories Type 2 diabetes heart disease cancer and stroke o Disease prevention and health promotion objectives for American people to meet by Healthy People 2020 2020 o 35 topic areas Immunizations and infectious disease Physical Activity Nutrition and weight Status Food and Safety Improving Americans diets Evaluating Nutrition Information o The media often reports the results of a single recent research study o Professional organizations base recommendations on a consensus of information from o Before making dietary lifestyle changes based on media reports read with a critical eye peer reviewed journals and ask Was the research finding published in a peer reviewed journal Was the study done using animals or humans Do the study participants resemble me IS this the first time I ve heard about the study Types of Research Studies o Observational Research involves looking at factors in two or more groups of subjects to see if there is a relationship to certain health outcomes Epidemiological research study of diet and disease patterns among populations o Experimental Research involves at least two groups of subjects Experimental group Control group Double blind placebo controlled is gold standard Nutrition Experts o Registered Dietitian Nutritionist RDN completed at least a Bachelor s degree at an accredited US college or university and a supervised practice passed a national exam administered by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics o Public Health Nutritionist has degree in nutrition but may not be an RD o Licensed dietitian licensed by the state licensing agencies o Professionals holding advanced degrees in nutrition o Be wary of someone who refers to themselves as just a nutritionist Identifying Nutrition Quackery o Nutrition quackery is misinformation about nutrition and health o Red Flags of quackery Promoting or selling the product If it sounds too good to be true Promise of a quick fix Simplistic conclusions drawn from single studies Recommendations based on publications that have not been peer reviewed Quackwatch

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