In this study guide you will learn about the scientific and psychological developments that revolutionized the modern world in Europe and later the American culture And you will learn about the flux of movements that appeared as a response to these revolutionary ideas Which scientific development revolution modern concepts Einstein s theory of relativity revolutionized modern concepts Which Viennese neurologist and psychoanalysis developed his theories of the unconscious mind as his belief was that human consciousness was fragmented as well as conflicted Viennese neurologist and psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud developed his theories of the unconscious mind as his belief was that human consciousness was fragmented as well as conflicted Which artists acted as scientists as they analyzed the nature of their paintings in which any new developments gained was simply a mere stepping stone to the next Artists such as Pablo Picasso and George Braque acted as scientists as they analyzed the nature of their paintings in which any new developments gained was simply a mere stepping stone to the next Which artists embraced modernity and used the new scientific discoveries of this time impacted modern society Italian Futurists embraced modernity and used the new scientific discoveries of this time impacted modern society Which artists rejected modernity while embracing spirituality as they turned to more abstracted vocabulary folklore and medieval art However German expressionist rejected modernity while embracing spirituality as they turned to more abstracted vocabulary folklore and medieval art Fauvism Henri Matisse What was the first style that emerged in the 20th century that was apart of the colorist tradition that can be traced back to Van Gogh Gauguin Monet and Delacroix as well as Titian and the Venetians Fauvism was the first style that emerged in the 20th century that was apart of the colorist tradition that can be traced back to Van Gogh Gauguin Monet and Delacroix as well as Titian and the Venetians Which Fauvist artist was greatly influenced by colorists Van Gogh and Gauguin Fauvist artist Henri Matisse was greatly influenced by colorists Van Gogh and Gauguin Which painting by Matisse expresses the release of color from the imprisons of naturalistic or documentary function The Woman with the Hat by Matisse expresses the release of color from the imprisons of naturalistic or documentary function In which painting does Matisse remove logical space and scale in order to further his use of abstraction Matisse s Le Bonheur de Vivre removes logical space and scale in order to further his use of abstraction Cubism Picasso and Braque What is the second major style of the early 20th century that was largely populated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque Cubism was the second major style of the early 20th century that was largely populated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque Who was first artist to push the limitations surrounding abstraction Pablo Picasso was first artist to push the limitations surrounding abstraction Which painting of Picasso s brazenly depicts female nudes in a red light district in Barcelona Picasso s Les Demoiselles d Avignon brazenly depicts female nudes in a red light district in Barcelona What style of cubism is Braque associated with Braque is associated with a style of cubism called Analytic Cubism What is an example of a piece from Braque that represents Analytic Cubism An example of a piece from Braque that represents Analytic Cubism is his Portuguese Who created the earliest known collage The earliest known collage was created by Picasso in which he glued a sheet of imitation chair caning onto a Cubist painting What became a theme of Cubist abstraction during the style of Synthetic Cubism Music became a theme of Cubist abstraction during the style of Synthetic Cubism Which collage of Picasso s recreates an abstracted version of a guitar by using real wallpaper which also served as illusionistic and realistic Picasso s Guitar Sheet Music and Wine Glass recreates an abstracted version of a guitar by using real wallpaper which also served as illusionistic and realistic German Expressionism Die Brucke and Der Blaue Reiter What was the first German Expressionist group was called The first German Expressionist group was called Die Brucke The Bridge which was formed by four largely self taught Dresden architecture students What was their goal Their goal was to reject old ideas by creating a bridge to the future Bridge artists used the intense colors in order to reflect their progressive message What German Expressionist group were fascinated with Western and non Western art and believed that spirituality could be found beneath the modern world Der Blaue Reiter was a German Expressionist group that were fascinated with Western and non Western art and believed that spirituality could be found beneath the modern world Who was a key figure in the German Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter Russian artist Vasily Kandinsky was a key figure in the German Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter Which of Vasily Kandinsky s pieces resembled true abstraction Vasily Kandinsky s piece Sketch I for Composition VII resembled true abstraction Italian Futurism Who founded the Italian Futurist movement in Milan with his publication of his Manifesto of Futurism Free verse poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti founded the Italian Futurist movement in Milan with his publication of his Manifesto of Futurism Which artist uses Futurist characteristics and Cubist facets to create his painting States of Mind I Farewells which not only demonstrates the modern and progressive technology of a train but continuous movement of objects and energy Umberto Boccioni uses Futurist characteristics and Cubist facets to create his painting States of Mind I Farewells which not only demonstrates the modern and progressive technology of a train but continuous movement of objects and energy Kazimir Malevich Cubo Futurists and Russian Suprematism Which artist labeled his work as Suprematism when he created 39 nonobjective geometric paintings in a St Petersburg exhibition entitled 0 10 Kazimir Malevich labeled his work as Suprematism when he created 39 nonobjective geometric paintings in a St Petersburg exhibition entitled 0 10 What is one of Kazimir Malevich s best known pieces in his exhibition which emphasizes the simplicity of Russian icons and mysticism of folk art Black Square is one of Kazimir Malevich s best known
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