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There is now an increasingly important union between science and society Spontaneous change is what drives all chemical reactions The release of free energy brings together energy and entropy First law of thermodynamics energy is neither created nor destroyed but energy can be converted from one form to another o Connection the net flow of heat that goes into the climate system that defines 9 2 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 1 1 1 30 ENERGY FRAMEWORK future events Energy The ability to do work CHAPTER CORE Concept of Energy Has evolved over time Began with Aristotle transformed more with the improvements on the steam engine even more with 19th century Entropy Measurement of the degree of disorder in a closed system Energy Work Newton s Laws Newton s First Law of Motion Every body persists in its state of rest or of motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it o Speed change in distance change in time o Acceleration change in velocity change in time Inertia resistance to change state of motion o Developed F ma o LED TO Newton s Second Law of Motion the acceleration a of a body is proportional to the force F applied to that body Total Energy Potential Energy PE Kinetic Energy KE constant Work force x distance mgh Height v 2 2g F m v t Conversion of Energy Energy is never lost Frictional dissipation of energy non conservative force The work done to sustain the macroscopic kinetic energy of the oscillating mass is converted to the microscopic kinetic energy of the molecules that comprise the system Energy at the Molecular Level Avogadro s Number I mole 6 022 x 1023 Kinetic energy of molecules plays an important role Exchange of Kinetic and Potential Energy on a Surface Potential Energy Diagram Potential Energy Surface a vertical displacement in a gravitational field that determines the potential energy at any point along the surface referenced to a specific position o Also works to separate KE from PE Activation Energy exists because outer electrons repel each other and the molecules must have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the potential energy associated with this repulsive force A chemical reaction can only change the bonding structure of a molecule never produce nor destroy atoms The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Flow of thermal energy is spontaneous equalize the temperature Heat can be generated by motion Mechanical Equivalent of Heat a given amount of work is always equivalent to the same amount of heat added to a system all are just energy The calorie the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C 4 186 J 1 cal Heat And Temperature at the Molecular Level Mechanical energy of macroscopic body can be converted to the microscopic motion of atoms within the body Temperature directly correlated with mechanical energy imput with specific heat in mind Heat Capacity specific heat x mass is the proportionality factor between work added and change in temperature Thermal energy temperature of the body is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the atoms in the body Average energy of a molecule must be proportional to the temperature of that mass 9 4 Chapter 1 Cont Energy Transformation The Central Role of Electromagnetic Radiation When temperature of system increase we know that the atoms molecules compositing the system must have undergone an increase in average energy in the form of kinetic energy of motion Light is both absorbed by material composed of charged particles AND emitted by materials comprised of charged particles in motion Electromagnetic Energy important to discuss when talking about transforming energy o Structure of electromagnetic wave is common to all types of radiation mutually perpendicular oscillating electric and magnetic fields o Characterized by wavelength and frequency Wavelength x frequency speed of light c If an object has a charge q and is placed in an electric field E the the Force on that charge o F qE o Light that falls on surface of material Negative electron F eE Proton F qE Causes the wave Positive and negative pair oscillating can generate electromagnetic radiation o Motion in charge separation leads to generation of electromagnetic wave o CONCLUSION all materials with a temp above absolute zero emit electromagnetic radiation Constant transformation of energy Exchange of infrared radiation between the earths surface and atmosphere controls the flow of energy within the climate structure Use Stefan Boltzmann s Law to calculate the energy radiated from a surface body Energy and Power To find rate of energy transformation POWER o Power Energy Time E t Pw rate at which energy is transferred Pw

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UW-Madison CHEM 109H - ENERGY

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