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Date October 27 2014 CCR SPED 3670 003 Class American Sign Language I Instructor Sandra Lewinski Notes from Unit 5 Children like patting their head Affair All yalls Alone Aunt Baby Become Boy friend Boy meets girl Brother Cousin Dad Dating Divorce Family Engaged e on ring finger Fianc f on ring finger Friends Girl friend Going together Fell in love can do with one finger or with I love you sign Grandparents sign grandma and grandpa at the same time Grand fingerspell then children Grandma Grandpa Grow up aka be raised Half brother Half sister His her its How many throw up one time Husband c shape from forehead to marry In law Kids Marry me Mom My Nephew Niece No None Not Own Parents go from mother to father sign Pregnant three ways to sign Room mate Siblings brother to sister Sister Son forehead to baby sign Spouses husband to wife Step brother Step sister Step mom Sweethearts Twins Uncle Wife Your I have brothers none Wedding like bells coming together

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UT SPED 3670 - Notes from Unit 5

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