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MKT Notes 8 27 TEST John Camp said Keys for being successful in business are 1 Be able to market yourself 2 Be able to sell yourself be able to speak and be seen as a positive part of a company 3 Be able to know people network and develop relationships People like to do business with people they like 4 Be able to maintain contact sustain and develop long term relationships TEST He also said these are the traits they look for to hire people needed to be successful 1 Creativity understand how to work around problems 2 Be aggressive 3 Enthusiastic 4 Smart 5 Honesty said this 6 years before WSJ and Harvard did this study They look for trust more than anything Learn how to apologize 6 Ethical 190 vs 90 story and letter of recommendation Dr Tarver Hungarian Jewish physician owned 3 billion square feet of federal lease building prime real estate He let Charles be closing attorney of the real estate Charles knew him TEST Personal branding is what people think of when they think see or hear about you Likeability is key to understand what personal branding is and it s going to make you successful the emotional affect you have on someone 1 38 of emotional affect you have is just according to vocal delivery tone sound like you care 2 55 of emotional affect you have is visual delivery not clothes or body language it s facial expression What is your default look It will define you

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