test 1 Introduction to Digital Digital Landscapes Digital mobile and social media the beginning of the post PC era Communication strategy must be enhanced by listening and engaging audiences in a 2 way dialogue Social media has enabled communication to be global and instant We must understand the channels Must know these changes to enhance and protect your brand Fragmentation and digitalization o Subvert the top down passive one way flow of information o Many to many dynamic o Access share and even create media content o When they want how they want and wherever they want Mobile Sociological issues to always be connected is not always a great thing More connected devices then there are people on the planet Over 6 billion subscriptions 77 of the world population Overtaken PCs as the most popular way to get on the web Americans now carry more smart phones than non connected phones Multitasking Convergence Everything in one place 64 of people are using smartphones as opposed to feature phones Do apps kill the direct web Not really but Smartphone users spend 80 of their time on apps Its less and less about the open web Thick native v thin HTML5 apps HTML5 typically news and communication apps continually updated Open search based web becomes less important Bezos buys the Washington Post Do tablets kill print Tablets NYT out of print by 2020 USAToday shifting strategy to tablets Newsweek stops printing Times Picayune goes to 3 days a week in print Its cheaper Content moves to the Cloud The Cloud Shift to rent vs own for media content PC as a set top box is a reality Phones are a convergent device The cloud fills in processor power and speed Enables meaningful mobility Content Marketing embedding advertising materials in editorial content Branding Apps mobile universe is about branding Students need to know how to brand themselves with a distinct voice and writing style NYT and 60 Minutes embedded producers Screens HBO calls this TV everywhere Audiences go around traditional means of viewing content Screens are also digital billboards Micro video Vine Important trend easy to participate in appeals to short attention span nature agnostic Multi Screen Device Usage meshing idea that you mesh your media experiences with your mobile device watch big game on the big screen while you look up things on computer when they re all related to each other stacking watching a movie but also looking at scores on your phone content that isn t related to each other shifting looking up air fares on phone then go to computer to finish booking it Wearables Google glasses watches fuel band contact lenses becomes more of an omnipresent Social Media a digital environment where audiences can create share and interact with content Platforms 4 dominant ones are Facebook Twitter Google and Apple Amazon is another platform it knows what we buy testing drones in Las Vegas bought the Washington Post More Fortune 500 are using Twitter than any other platform because it is easy and quick approximately 77 Storytelling changes in the digital world video becomes important Interactions Media Tools Paid Ads search Owned Website Facebook Twitter YouTube Wikis Earned Public relations Viral Social media conversations Guts of Social Media The social graph Everyway that someone is connected to other things every piece of social media is built among a social graph APIs Applied Programming Interface A piece of code a key that allows people to tap into social networks connect through Facebook Can be used as negotiating tactics Embeds social media within lots of different functions on the web o Take This Lollipop fb example Open Graph Protocol allows anybody to tap into their users The Internet of Things IOT idea that every year computer power doubles idea that we can embed network chips into everything everything becomes media Dynamics of Contemporary Persuasion Persuasion All about choice this is the dividing line where it s beneficial or aggressive Persuasion is NOT coercion forced o When we engage in persuasion we try to change behavior and the way people think o Maintaining relationships is a tactic of persuasion o Persuasion is a process that goes on forever not a one time thing How we think persuasion works depend on how we think communication works o Linear Model of Communication source message channel receiver problems with the this model it assumes passive receiver it assumes no feedback it assumes type of channel doesn t matter Persuasion is the co production of meaning that results when an individual or group of individuals uses language strategies and or symbols to make audiences identify with them Persuasion requires INDENTIFICATION o Identification co production is where the active audience Identification comes into play o Ex Three Little Pigs video the source was The Guardian British news paper message covered all sides of the story they broke it down to real life problems it was an ironic take on the little pigs which everyone knows you had to know the mortgage problem too co produced media o you persuade a man only insofar as you can talk his language by speech gesture tonality attitude idea identifying your ways with his Kenneth Burke o The word identification is used to depict the co production aspect of persuasion placing the term in between persuader and the audience member o Effective persuaders form relationships to either change OR reinforce views The Bear Rug ad The bear rug as a movie director Message anybody who loves movies can use Hulu Coca cola ad that says share Strategies of Identification Reinforcing simple image 1 First type of identification is obvious and direct o Hey I m a Catholic deer hunter I m happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion Paul Ryan VP candidate He s responding to the president who said these people cling to their guns and religion This is an obvious and direct appeal 2 Anti thesis us VS them o persuaders can unite with audience members by demonizing some other person group or idea o The audience is then forced to make a choice between the persuader and the other that has been demonized Ex Apple s Get A Mac ad campaign MAC vs PCs Campaign was about creating the PC as frumpy and uncool To set it up as who would wanna buy a PC Other examples sports rivalries But how to do you cultivate relationships to foster identification First you should think about how the Greeks did it Back to ancient Greece o The study of rhetoric the art of effective communication Sophists vs Plato
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