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Kristen Morreale Exam Open Ended Name four important microbiologists and explain what they did and the year it was accomplished What is a stain Name the different types and describe each What two organisms do not stain Why do they not stain Differentiate between a gram positive and gram negative cell Draw the cell How are organisms grouped What is the modern way Explain what this means Name the three type of Archaea Give examples of each Name the two ways bacteria are classified Explain what each way is What is the composition of the peptidoglycan wall Explain the differences between a Gram Negative cell wall and a gram positive cell wall What is an LPS Explain the structure and function Name the three types of passive processes in the bacterial cell membrane Explain each of them in detail Name the three types of active transport and explain each of them Describe and draw group translocation What is this important for Why Name all the trophs Give their energy source and Carbon source Give an example of what each can grow on Explain why they can grow on that material and not others Name the three classifications of flagella What is Brownian movement Name and describe all the different ways a bacterial cell can move Give the steps where steps are needed Name and describe all types of general growth media Give examples of each You need to grow A03 and CaCl What type of general culture media do you use Why You have to grow bacillus megaterium What type of media would you grow this on and why What is MacConkey Agar for What can you grow on it You have an anaerobic organism which grows at a temperature of 26 degrees Celsius What large group of microorganisms does this fall in based on temperature growth You have an aerobic organism it grows at an optimal pH of 8 2 Which large group of microorganisms does this fall in based on the pH growth Name the three types of saline groups and explain each of them Draw and label the graph for enzymes in a biological reaction Label each part and explain what occurs at each point You have an obligate anaerobe This grows aerobically at a temperature of 19 degrees Celsius and at a pH of 2 The generation time of the organism is 45 minutes Draw and label a graph showing this anaerobes growth State what class it falls in for pH and temperature Draw the following substance types in tube to show its relationship to oxygen for pure bacteria cultures Facilitative anaerobes obligate anaerobes Obligate Aerobes Areotolerant Aerobes and Microaerophiles Name and describe all physical methods of microbial growth What is the function of enzymes What do biocatalysts do What does an enzyme lower Draw a graph to depict what you say Name and describe the difference between an active site and an allosteric site Name the currency of metabolism When is everything produced What is the total and net worth of ATP What is converted to what Map the metabolic pathway of an aerobic bacterium that lacks oxygen Map the metabolic pathway of an anaerobic bacterium which can completely oxidize glucose What is the difference between oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation What does the pentose Phosphate Pathway do Why use that over glycolysis Explain the difference between respiration and fermentation What has fewer steps What are the steps of each general Explain the process of glycolysis What does it yield Name and describe precursor primary and secondary metabolites What is a generation time Lag phase Experimental Phase Stationary Phase Death Phase Draw Graph label and describe the following Synthesis of Primary Metabolites Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites Growth phase of bacterium and Sporulation What is involved in a Viable cell count How do you measure biomass What are the two toxic oxygen molecules What is the function of each Why are they considered toxic Describe all four of Koch s Postulates What are the final electron acceptors in aerobes Anaerobes Draw Label and give the function of the following Enzyme Active site Allosteric Site substrate inorganic molecule haloenzyme apoenzyme What is PEP What can it be converted into What is it used for What is pasteurization What is Bioremediation What compounds can be added to a chemoheterotroph in order to server as a carbon source Energy source An anaerobe has a less effective electron transport chain then one found in an aerobic organism It can only metabolize 4 molecules of ATP for each NADH that is oxidized and 1 molecule of ATP for every FADH that is oxidized How many ATP would this Anaerobe generate from one molecule of glucose Could this organism grow anaerobically with succinate in the growth medium as a sole carbon and energy source In the growth of bacillus subtillis you would begin to observe the production of endospores during which two phases What stimulus initiate sporulation FIGURE What medium media are defined Why What media medium are classified as rich Why Which media medium contain a fermentable carbon source Why Which medium media would support rapid growth rate by chemoheterotrophs like E Coli Why Which media medium contains a carbon source that is only useful to an autotroph Which process generates the PMF used by ATP synthase FIGURE 2 You are using medium 3 to grow chemoheterotrophic bacterium in your lab You monitor the growth under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to generate the results depicted below What is the carbon source utilized by this bacteria What metabolic pathway does this carbon source enter When processed though a pathway how many ATP molecules are generated per molecule of carbon though substrate level phosphorylation How many molecules of NADH will be made per succinate molecule processed in this manner How many FADH2 Compare and contrast flagellar motors in a run and tumble MULTIPLE CHOICE Chose the best answer and describe why that answer is correct with proper microbiological terms A cell stains purple after a Gram Stain What type of cell is it a Gram Negative b Gram Positive c A cell with a technic acid layer d A cell with an outer membrane e Both A and C f Both B and D g None of the above a Sugars b Carbohydrates c NAD d NAG e PEP techoic acid a b LPS c Thick peptidoglycan d Porin A peptidoglycan wall contains all of the following EXCEPT The outer membrane of a Gram Negative Cell is composed of All of the following are truce for then active processes in a bacterial cell membrane EXCEPT a bring molecules form the extracellular matrix to the cytoplasm b ATP changes into ADP and a

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UMD BSCI 223 - Study Guide

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