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Disorder Reactive Attachment Disorder Bio Neuro No evidence Psychological Related to neglect or insufficient care Environmental No evidence Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder No evidence Related to neglect or insufficient care No evidence PTSD Traumatic environment Smaller hippocampi Hippocampus is important for memory Lower than normal levels Intense reactions to trauma but also the reliving of the event through intrusive and recurrent thoughts images and dreams High levels of NE can Sometimes hallucinations of Cortisol trigger Serotonin plays a role SSRI Betablocker Lower IQ Depression Self medicating negatively occur Acute Stress Disorder No evidence reinforced No evidence No evidence Adjustment Disorder No evidence No evidence No evidence Seperation Anxiety Excessive anxiety Increase in amygdala Can be a developmental Decrease in parental Disorder concerning issue warmth Symptoms Inhibited emotionally Emotionally withdrawn Social and emotional disturbance Approaching and interacting with unfamiliar adults in over familiar and disinhibited manner After exposure to intense trauma Recurrent recollection and distress related to neglect or insufficient care Applies to anyone over 6 After exposure to intense trauma recurrent recollection and distress related to the trauma with marked arousal Development of behavioral or emotional symptoms within 3 months of the onset of a separation from home or caregiver 4 weeks for kids 6 months for adults Failure to speak in certain situations but not others 1 month min duration Marked fear or anxiety cued by social or performance situation 6 month Marked fear or anxiety cued by social or performance situations 6 months Recurrent unexpected panic attacks Fear or anxiety of being in situations from which escape would be difficult if incapacitating or embarrassing symptoms occur 6 months Nearly constant state of worry and Selective Mutism Antidepressants are No evidence No evidence useful Specific Phobia Common in families that Conditioning both operant Environment is the trigger have phobias MZ twins high concordance and classical Social Anxiety Disorder Conditioned association Internal conflict Fear of criticism Social situations Runs in families Amygdala responds differently to novel faces Less 5HT and Dop in hippocampus Less Basal Ganglia Biases in attention and activity memory Low Gaba levels Stimulants carbon dioxide and sodium lactate can trigger Oversensitive fear network Genetic link SSRI s indicate serotonin link Misinterpretations of physiological sensations Catastrophic thoughts Result from misinterpreting the environemtn Develop a safe person CBT Know their reaction is excessive and unreasonable Fear of marketplace or outside world Panic Disorder Agoraphobia Generalized Anxiety Disorder Superior temporal gyrus has more grey and white Hypervigilant Illusions of control Fear environment because they lack control apprehension about a wide variety of events or activities 6 month period Worry keeps form having panic attacks Overwhelmed ego OCD Recurrent obsession and compulsions that cause distress operant conditioning obsessive thoughts unacceptable thoughts attention to perceived threatening stimuli remembering perceived threatening stimuli confidence in accuracy increased stress socioeconomic stress culture family members resentment matter and is larger in R hemisphere Sensitive parasympathetic nervous system Disregulation of GABA 5HT and NE neural loop basal ganglia caudate nucleus connection w FL thalamus BG more grey matter active FL abnormal birth epilepsy head trauma infection strep rheumatic fever PANDA not latent Sydenham s chorea latent 6 mo too much too little serotonin monozygotic 65 relatives 10 Higher prevalence in those who have first degree relatives with OCD No psychopharm Preoccupation with imagined or minor physical defect in appearance discarding possessions resulting in excessive clutter Excessive hair pulling BDD CBT more effective than Childhood neglect and SSRI abuse Current social standards Hoarding Disorder Persistent difficulty Mildly exposing hoarders Clutter everywhere to get them to get rid of possessions Trichotillomania Negatively reinforced No evidence Multiple gene involvement Excoriation Recurrent picking Co morbid with anxiety No evidence No evidence Dissociative Amnesia of the skin Unexplained inability to recall and depression No clear evidence for bio genetic Memory loss is the result of unconscious repression Stressors or overwhelming life events related to onset DID Depersonalization derealization disorder Major Depressive Disorder important personal information Two or more distinct personality states with inability to recall important information Persistent feelings of being detached or outside of one s self Presence of major depressive episode 2 weeks mood usually including major depressive episode 2 years Mood lability and irritability during most menses 1 year Persistent Depressive Persistent depressed Disorder Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Disruptive mood Disregulation disorder Before age 10 Recurrent sever temper outbursts Amnesia is negatively reinforced No evidence No evidence Runs in families No twin evidence though No SSRI studies No evidence No evidence No evidence 5HT Chromosome 17 increased risk Deficiency in NE Hormones low estrogen REM sleep differences Overactive limbic and basal ganglia 5HT Chromosome 17 increased risk Deficiency in NE Hormones low estrogen REM sleep differences Overactive limbic and basal ganglia 5HT Chromosome 17 increased risk Deficiency in NE Hormones low estrogen REM sleep differences Overactive limbic and basal ganglia 5HT Chromosome 17 increased risk Deficiency in NE Hormones low estrogen Introjecting bad mom Insecure attachment Reduction of reinforcement Negative views about work self furutre Use absolute words always never Learned helpless ness Introjecting bad mom Insecure attachment Reduction of reinforcement Negative views about work self furutre Use absolute words always never Learned helpless ness Introjecting bad mom Insecure attachment Reduction of reinforcement Negative views about work self furutre Use absolute words always never Learned helpless ness Introjecting bad mom Insecure attachment Reduction of reinforcement Negative views about work self furutre Attribute stress to external causes Thoughts stay the same Global do bad on one test means do bad on all tests Attribute stress to external causes Thoughts stay the same Global do bad

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Pitt PSY 1205 - Disorder

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