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Chapters 9 10 12 13 Definitions Chapter 9 Definitions 1 Race a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups 2 Genocide the systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity 3 Ethnicity and ethnic having distinctive cultural characteristics 4 Minority group people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination 5 Dominant group the group with the most power greatest privileges and highest social 6 Ethnic work activities designed to discover enhance or maintain ethnic and racial status identity 7 Discrimination an act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group 8 Prejudice an attitude or prejudging usually in a negative way 9 Individual discrimination the negative treatment of one person by another on the basis of that person s perceived characteristics 10 Institutional discrimination negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society s institutions also called systematic discrimination 11 Authoritarian personality Theodor Adorno s term for people who are highly prejudiced and also rank high on scales of conformity intolerance insecurity respect for authority and submissiveness to superiors 12 Split labor market workers split along racial ethnic gender age or any others this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers 13 Reserve labor force the unemployed unemployed workers are thought of as being in reserve capitalists take them out of reserve put them back to work during times of high production and then lay them off put them back in reserve when they are no longer needed 14 Selective perception seeing certain features of an object or situation but remaining blind to others 15 Compartmentalize to separate acts from feelings or attitudes 16 Population transfer the forced relocation of a minority group 17 Internal colonialism the policy of economically exploiting minority groups 18 Segregation the policy of keeping racial ethnic groups apart 19 Assimilation the process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture 20 Multiculturalism a philosophy or social policy that permits or encourages ethnic differences also called pluralism 21 White ethnics white immigrants to the United States whose cultures differ from that of WASPs 22 Rising expectations the sense that better conditions are soon to follow which if unfulfilled increases frustration 23 Pan Indianism a movement that focuses on common elements in the cultures of Native Americans in order to develop a cross tribal group identity and to work toward the welfare of all Native Americans Chapter 10 Definitions secondary sex characteristics demands on someone 1 Sex biological characteristics that distinguish females and males consisting of primary and 2 Sexual harassment the abuse of one s position of authority to make unwanted sexual 3 Gender the behaviors and attitudes that a group considers proper for its males and females masculinity or femininity 4 Glass ceiling the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels of work vested in males 5 Graying of America the growing percentage of older people in the U S population 6 Patriarchy a group in which men as a group dominate women as a group authority is 7 Feminism the philosophy that men and women should be politically economically and socially equal organized activities on behalf of this principle 8 Life expectancy the number of years that an average person at any age including newborns can expect to live 9 Life span the maximum length of life of a species for humans the longest that a human has lived 10 Disengagement theory the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire disengage from their positions of responsibility so the younger generation can step in their shoes 11 Continuity theory the focus of this theory is how people adjust to retirement by continuing aspects of their earlier lives 12 Ageism prejudice discrimination and hostility directed against people because of their age can be directed against any age group including youth 13 Age cohorts people born at roughly the same time who pass through the life course 14 Activity theory the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person s amount together and quality of activity Chapter 12 Definitions 1 Polygyny a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife 2 Polyandry a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband 3 Patrilineal system system of descent a system of reckoning descent that counts only the father s side vested in males vested in females the mother s side 4 Patriarchy a group in which men as a group dominate women as a group authority is 5 Nuclear family a family consisting of a husband wife and children 6 Matriarchy a society in which women as a group dominate men as a group authority is 7 Matrilineal system system of descent a system of reckoning descent that counts only 8 Romantic love feelings of erotic attraction accompanied by an idealization of the other 9 System of descent how kinship is traced over the generations 10 Family two or more people who consider themselves related by blood marriage or adoption 11 Household people who occupy the same housing unit 12 Homogamy the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another 13 Extended including people such as grandparents aunts uncles and cousins in addition to the nuclear unit 14 Family of orientation the family in which an individual grows up 15 Family of procreation the family that is formed when a couple has its first child 16 Endogamy the practice of marrying within one s own group 17 Exogamy the practice of marrying outside one s group 18 Incest taboo the rule that prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives 19 Egalitarian authority more or less equally divided between people or groups in marriage for example between husband and wife 20 Blended family a family whose members were once part of other families 21 Cohabitation unmarried couples living together in a sexual relationship 22 Bilineal system system of descent a system of reckoning descent that counts both the mother s and the father s side Chapter 13 Education Section Definitions 1 Credential society the use of diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work 2 Cultural transmission of values the

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