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Golden Sentences will most likely be on exam ZOO 3733C STUDY GUIDE Clinical Points Important to know Exam 1 Ch 1 INTRO p 1 25 40 48 FLASHCARDS Anatomical terms Types of bones Types of muscles Types of Imaging Techniques X rays incident electrons produced by cathode accelerated toward anode collide Computer Tomography CT scans for body lesions tumors pathologic conditions gives 3D view 2D x rays around single axis of rotation quick Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Differentiates between tissue injury white gray matter gray has more water Huge magnet used to align parallel field then radiowave pulses used to detect proton density time weighing pulsing FMRI functional MRI measures blood oxygen in specific brain areas w various activity DWI diffusion weighed MRI thermally translational movement of water within tissues Reveals infarcts necrosis localized dead tissue from obstruction of blood flow Identifies brain ischemia decreased blood supply to brain b c of constricted blood vessels PWI perfusion weighed MRI arrival of injected contract medium measured Position Emission Tomography PET Detects gamma rays emitted from decay of radioactive isotopes injected into body Used to assess functional blood flow to tissues i e heart brain long time to see Ultrasound Emitted waves reflect back from structures detected by probe reconverted into electoral energy 2D image Duplex scanning combined Doppler mode possible to see vessels 1 Color coded duplex CCD uses color coding to superimpose flow velocities Ossification Development of bones Bones ossified w o preexisting cartilage Intramembranous ossification Mesenchyme tissue invaded by osteoblasts Osteoblasts secrete bone matrix osteoid become trapped Bones form Ex skull bones clavicle Endochondral ossification Hyaline cartilage is invaded by osteoblasts Bones ossified w preexisting cartilage how most bones form Bones form continue to expand as chondrocytes grow secrete osteoid Lengthening of bones p 23 Epiphyseal plate forms plate between the epiphyses ends diaphysis shaft Ossification occurs until puberty 18 21 Bones close epiphyseal plate becomes epiphyseal line joins w diaphysis Hormones Effects on Bone Growth Growth hormone GH produced in pituitary gland stimulates epiphyseal plates cartilage bone growth Thyroid hormone T3 T4 ensures proper proportions in skeleton bone growth Testosterone Estrogen promote ossification closure of epiphyseal plate estrogen stronger so women at risk for osteoporosis after menopause GH T3 T4 deficiencies can cause short stature CLINICAL Q A Cleidocranial dysostosis dysplasia CCD p 21 Defective ossification delayed bone tooth development stomatognathic craniofacial abnormalities Skull clavicle bone abnormalities possible RUNX2 gene associated b x responsible for osteoblast differentiation Ch 2 BACK Vertebrae and Spinal Nerves Vertebrae bones 7 C 12 T 5 L 5 S 4 5 Co Are zygapophysial plane joints flat articulation surfaces between the vertebrae Spinal nerves same as above except cervical section has an extra nerve C8 and the coccygeal bones all share one Co1 Naming spinal nerves PICTURE 1 SPINAL NERVES COME OUT OF THE INTERVERTEBRAL FORAMEN 2 For C1 C7 nerves name nerve after the lower vertebra i e the nerve between occipital bone and C1 C1 spinal nerve the nerve between C6 and C7 C7 spinal nerve For T1 nerve and on name nerve after the higher vertebra i e the nerve between L5 and S1 L5 spinal nerve the nerve between T10and T11 T10 spinal nerve Which two vertebrae does the C8 spinal nerve run between Answer C7 T1 Careful Disc herniation follows different pattern i e Herniation between L4 L5 L4 gets out quickly but L5 nerve is caught b c L4 must go down lower to get out of the spinal column Curvatures Normal curvatures anteriorly posteriorly abnormal curvatures laterally Curvatures congenital from birth thoracic and sacral Secondary Curvatures Cervical develops when able to hold up head 3 4 months Lumbar develops when able to stand 9 10 months Scoliosis abnormal pathologic lateral spinal curvature if slight may be asymptomatic Kyphosis abnormal pathologic curvature convexity towards back Lordosis abnormal pathologic curvature convexity towards front Cervical Unique transverse foramen bifid spinous process small vertebral body larger more triangular vertebral foramen b c thicker nerves to innervate upper limbs Transverse foramen carries vertebral a v 3 Parts to Vertebral a 1st part extends from point of origin subclavian a to transverse 2nd part found ascending in transverse foraminae of cervical vertebrae C6 C1 Skull 3rd part turns medially on posterior arch of atlas found in suboccipital C7 transverse foramen carry accessory vertebral vessels NOT Vertebral foramen triangle a Unconvertebral joints PICTURE 2 form between vertebral bodies form uncinate processes start developing at age 10 esp boys risk tearing discs herniation in cervical vertebrae esp C5 C7 Special vertebra 3 C1 First cervical vertebra Atlas C2 Second cervical vertebra Axis Small anterior arch larger posterior arch No body or spinous process has posterior anterior tubercles instead Big vertebral foramen anterior compartment for Dens Transverse ligament of atlas between the 2 lateral masses secures dens becomes crucial ligament Has Odontoid process dens that has anterior articular facet to articulate w atlas posterior articular facet to articulate w transverse ligament of atlas No intervertebral disc between C1 C2 Hangman Fracture arch of axis pushes dens posteriorly causes fracture compression of brain stem which leads to death C7 Seventh cervical vertebra Vertebra Prominens Has longest cervical spinous process palpable C6 has carotid tubercle Cervical Rib when costal element is preserved independently Causes Ischemia pain compromised blood supply ex chest pain due to compression of subclavian a Pain in the ulnar medial side of hand forearm due to compression of C8 T1 nerves Palpable mass in root of neck over clavicle When costal element is preserved independently Thoracic Articulate with ribs costal facets When look at vertebrae on xray last ribs connect from T1 T12 can determine vertebrae pointed at by location before after ribs 2 articulating facets on lateral side on the body transverse process 1 rib usually articulates w 2 thoracic vertebrae including intervertebral discs Costo vertebral joints articulate w head of rib T1 T10 T11 T12 Costo transverse joints articulate w tubercle of rib T1 T10 Looks like Giraffe superior articular facets face

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