Exam 2 Study Guide Chapter 5 Be able to describe different theories of stress General Adaptation syndrome This consists of three stages alarm mobilized to meet the threat resistance you make an effort to cope with the threat exhaustion when you deplete your physiological resources when responding to the threat When people experience a stressor they mobilize themselves for action in an nonspecific form to the stressor but this has limited psychological aspects and not all stressors provoke the same response Lazarus and Folkman s Personal Resources for Coping 1 Health and energy people who are healthy and have energy can cope better with stress 2 Positive belief optimistic people have less stress and better coping 3 Problem solving skills people who know how to fill insurance claims 4 Natural resources having a car to go to the hospital 5 Social skills people who have the ability to get people to cooperate with you 6 Social support social contact how many social contact do you have social network the types of people you associate with vs social isolation usually elderly shy and high in fear or rejection instrumental informational and emotional support Be able to identify types of stressors Cataclysmic events sudden unique and powerful life changing events that need powerful responses from population groups that share in the event Major Life events things that do not occur suddenly but they evolve over time can be negative or positive and are stressful because they require change but they affect one person or a few people Everyday hassles experiences of everyday living that are harmful or threatening to a person s wellbeing Know how health psychologists measure stress Allostatic load physiological costs due to prolonged chronic stress that makes your body have physiological changes like higher levels of epinephrine and hypertension Cumulative impact the build of allostatic load Physiological measures cortisol catecholamine sweating heart rate blood pressure but measuring these things can induce stress and may not adequately reflect true feelings of stress Questionnaires like the undergraduate stress scale where people can rate their stress but just because an event occur it may not produce stress in all people Behavioral changes observing if people are increasing use of tobacco or alcohol their affect etc Describe how stress affects health Know how people cope with stress Coping thoughts and behaviors used to manage internal and external demands Be able to describe behavioral interventions to manage stress Know how the nervous system relates to stress and the physiology of the stress of stressful situations response Pg 89 95 Chapter 6 Be able to define psychoneuroimmunology Psychoneuroimmunology a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the interactions among behavior the nervous system the endocrine system and the immune system Know how stress relates to illness Diathesis stress model individuals are vulnerable to stress related illnesses because they are genetically predisposed to those illnesses But stress doesn t always cause disease people just tend to behave differently when stressed Be able to describe stress and illness Headaches everyone will get one but they can be particularly related to daily hassles stress Infectious diseases the cold nasal drops experience and people were more likely to catch a cold after exposure when stressed but this can also happen with UTIs hepatitis HIV herpes etc Cardiovascular disease stress increases risk of strokes and heart attacks in people who already have cardiovascular disease because of the production of cytokines and corticoids plus hypertension Ulcers not causes specifically by stress stress can play a role in the formation of ulcers because the behaviors surrounding stress exacerbate ulcers Can also cause diabetes preterm birth asthma and RA Be able to describe stress and psychological disorders Depression stress is just one risk factor but people who cope well with stress that attenuates the relationship between these two things rumination is related to depression as well as certain stressors like poor health workplace stress and being a caregiver produces proimflammatory cytokines Anxiety disorders like PTSD OCD agoraphobia and panic attacks Know interventions to improve immune functioning Emotional disclosure Relaxation can help affect breathing and muscle tension Cognitive behavioral therapy shown to be successful in improving immune functioning in women undergoing breast cancer treatment Exercise Describe physiology of the immune system Pg 121 127 Chapter 7 Know the definitions of pain stubbed toe Acute pain brief typical pain that signals a person to avoid injury ex Chronic pain long duration of months to year that can be debilitating that is constantly occurring ex back pain Pre chronic pain between acute and chronic where the person either overcomes pain or develops fear that can lead to chronic pain the injury either heals or persists Chronic recurrent pain intense pain that last briefly but comes back multiple times over life ex headaches Know the significance of pain Pain is critical for survival Medical significance in that it motivate people to seek treatment but it also complicates illness recovery and can be a source of misunderstanding in practitioner s relationship Psychological significance in that pain can manifest from psychological issues and they rely on the same neurocircuitry and that it can make people feel depressed Social consequences can be that social support can actually reinforce patient s behaviors of pain causing a vicious circle Financial costs include that chronic pain affects 120 million people in the US and the loss of productivity and disability costs 10 million dollars with Rx costs over 46 billion dollars worldwide Be able to describe how people experience pain and differences in people s experiences of pain Conditioning and pain in classical conditioning the pain is a negative outcome so people may begin to associate a stimulus with pain and so they are primed to avoid that In operant conditioning people are rewarded for pain by being doted on and continue to display pain behaviors Fear of pain people who are more afraid of pain are more likely to experience pain will experience pain sooner and will have pain more severely Cultural Racial differences AAs and HAs are more sensitive to pain than EAs possibly because of differences in pain expectation and differences in coping strategies
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