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Chapter 10 Employee Development Activities that influence personal and professional growth Help employees learn skills that will be helpful in future jobs Career Development Activities that help people manage the progression of their work experiences across their lives Employee benefits personally satisfying Grow as individuals Organization benefits Opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills that are Enhances the ability to respond to changing environmental forces By increasing the range of skills that employees possess By increasing the chances that the most capable employees will be attracted and remain committed to the organization How is Employee Development different from Training Ensures employees have the knowledge and skills to perform their current jobs How is Employee Development Strategic When they help the organization maintain a continual supply of talented and committed employees Bargain Laborer Free Agent Focus on development to attract employees from external labor market Focus on low cost development options Unlikely to invest heavily in long term development Focus on development to attract employees from external labor market Focus on developing skills needed for high level service and innovation Must invest more in long term development to ensure their development look attractive to employees who are willing to make job transitions Loyal Soldier Focus on developing skills of existing employees Focus on low cost development options Committed Expert Focus on developing skills of existing employees Focus on developing skills needed for high level service and innovation 1 Developmental Programs How can organizations help employees develop Cost Strategy Assessments Feedback Inexpensive online career assessment tests and talk with supervisors about the results Career Assessment Collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their interests personality behaviors skills and preferences Feedback helps determine the specific developmental activities to pursue for individual employees Holland Typology A classification of people s interests values and skills and of job environments the typology asserts that people will be more satisfied and more successful in jobs that closely match their characteristics RAISEC Realistic mechanics electricians farmers Artistic musicians dancers actors writers Investigative scientists lab assistants Social therapists counselors teachers Enterprising Promoters producers sales Conventional analyst banker secretary Self Directed Search Instrument to help employees gain insight into their interests skills and desired working conditions Multisource Assessment Process in which an employee s managers peers and sometimes subordinates and customers answer questions about the employee Responses are combined and provided as developmental feedback to the employee Work Experiences Job Enrichment The addition of challenges or new responsibilities to jobs Job Rotation Time limited lateral work assignment for the purpose of helping employees develop new knowledge and skills Job Transfer A permanent lateral work assignment for the purpose of helping employees develop new knowledge and skills Upward Move A career move resulting in an increase in responsibility pay and status promotion Downward Move A career move resulting in a decrease 2 in responsibility pay and status demotion Allows organizations to to improve their employees knowledge and skills without pulling them away from work completely Loyal Soldier Bargain Laborer cost effective Differentiation Formal Education Valued by nearly everyone so it will be attractive to employees who are willing to move organizations Courses Specifically designed for the company s employees Consultants trade organizations or universities Lectures discussions simulations Certification and Licensing License A required designation of competence within a professional field Certification An optional designation of competence Developmental Relationships within a professional field Relationships that provide support and encouragement for personal or professional growth Coaching When a person works with others to equip them with the tools knowledge and opportunities they need to become more effective at work Process Contracting Opening setting up clear understanding of the nature and duration of the relationship Practicing Planning Core learning processes in which the coach and employee try out new behaviors Evaluating Verifying that expectations have been met and the relationship worked out as planned Mentoring When an experienced person helps a less experienced person learn and grow Employee Benefits Career benefits by offering challenging work experiences providing advice offering political protection and sponsoring the employee in contests for promotions and other opportunities Psychological and social benefits help build a sense of identity and personal competence Successful Programs Voluntary matches based on outlook or perspective Encouraging proximity providing orientation 3 offering guidelines encouraging proteges to set goals GE Rotational Leadership Programs in different areas of the business with mentors Real work assignments receive classroom training paired Prepares employees to collaborate and innovate Career The pattern of work experiences a person has over his or her lifetime Career Ladder A career characterized by step by step hierarchical transitions from jobs with lower pay and responsibility to jobs with higher pay and responsibility Not how today s careers are Traditional Career vs Protean Career Protean Career A career characterized by personal responsibility continuous and self directed development and an emphasis on psychological success Protean varied versatile Career Success Objective Measures promotions and pay How much money do you make Subjective Measures career satisfaction and personal well being How happy are you with your work Emphasis has shifted from Objective to Subjective Psychological success Career Path The series of work experiences that prepare an employee for higher level jobs 4 Career Development Process A series of steps that people can use to identify and pursue their long term career goals Competency Model Forward Looking companies design a set of related programs link them together and ensure they are congruent with HR practices Self Assessment A process in which employees determine their interests values personalities and skills Psychological tests and

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FSU MAN 4301 - Chapter 10 Employee Development

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