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Identify an award winning book you have read that you could imagine to be an award winner or one you believe should not have received an award Discuss and support your evaluation The book Holes written by Louis Sachar won the Newberry Medal in 1999 This book is I believe this book is deserving of the award for many reasons The plot in this book keeps the reader interested According to Betsy Hearne 1998 Spiraling between past and present Louis Sachar whose light fiction for middle grade readers There s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom Marvin Redpost Alone in His Teacher s House has won him popular acclaim abandons conventional plot for a more innovative mix of realism and legend with elements of mystery that keep the surrealistic events suspenseful para 1 This book is about a boy named Stanley whose family has bad luck because of a curse Stanley is wrongly accused of stealing and is sent to a detention center where him and other boys are put to work digging holes each day As the story begins we are led to believe that the boys are digging the large holes as punishment but we soon find out they are digging holes for a completely different reason The characters are memorable and we grow to feel for many of the boys in the camp as they dig and the story unfolds Sachar s style of writing makes this book stand out among others The pattern of language and narrative works well and readers are kept wondering what will happen next This book reflects the values that I believe many of us hold which are family strength and dedication Stanley even helps Zero learn to read in the book so the importance of education is valued here too Both of my boys really enjoyed this book and it is one that can be read over and over again with enjoyment every time References Hearne B 1998 He didn t do it Retrieved from http partners nytimes com books 98 11 15 reviews 981115 15hearnet html

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UOPX RDG 350 - Assignment

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