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Human Origins Hominids o Australopithecus 3 5 mya Lucy 3 2 o Homo erectus 1 5 mya o Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 500 000 25 000 ya o Homo sapiens sapiens 200 000 ya o Mitochondrial Eve The common matrilineal ancestor of all living humans o Genetic Adam The common ancestor that every single living human male has Is a distant descendant of Mitochondrial Eve they never met interacted o 25 000 ya Neanderthals went extinct but not before they interbred with modern humans homo sapiens sapiens many theories on neanderthal extinction THAT THE BOOK OVERSIMPLIFIES but this is a history class and not physical anthro so w e Early Evidence of Human Creative Activity Venus of Hohle Fels 38 000 ya o Earliest art made from mammoth tusk o Discovered in 2008 in Germany Lion Man of Hohlenstein Stadel 35 000 ya o Combination of man and lion debates over whether it s one or the other hence it s name Venus of Willendorf 22 000 The Venus figurines are a series of Paleolithic figurines that all have similar features exaggerated breasts and hips Cave Paintings Peche Merle 25 000 ya Chauvet 30 000 ya Very basic scenes focuses on animals and people From Nomadic to Settled Hunter gatherers o Some animals were domesticated before plants hunters closeness to the animal world Domestication of animals o Dog 12 000 ya o Sheep 10 000 ya o Pigs cattle horses silkworms cats cats may have domesticated themselves as rodent catchers that humans just tolerated which explains their independent natures o Domestication of animals is a symbiotic relationship people were domesticated too had to learn to care for discipline and tend to the needs of their animals Fixed settlements 10 000 ya o Sedentism settling down o People now must cooperate with each other and live by a certain accepted code of o Introduced new divisions between people essentially invented idea of private and fixed Unequal access to resources so some houses or settlements were better than behavior property others o Sedentary people were now more vulnerable to attack and disease o Diet was less varied and perhaps less healthy than their nomadic ancestors o Idea of material wealth expanded greatly Domestication of plants 10 000 ya o Wheat rice maize figs legumes o Took over a millennia for these crops and farming skills to spread over Eurasia Jericho 11th century BCE o Few hundred people o Eastern coast of Mediterranean Sea Catal Huyuk o Anatolia modern day Turkey 8th century BCE o Small dwellings with roads between them River Valley Civilizations 4000 3000 BCE o Tigris and Euphrates o Nile o Indus o Yangtze China o River allows for trade transportation and a water source Early Cities Crafts and Technology Pottery 6500 BCE o Food storage primarily Textiles 6000 BCE o Clothing Irrigation 6 000 BCE Metals o Smelting 5500 BCE o Alloys 3500 BCE Copper tin bronze Changes Differentiation of society o Elites kings military religious leaders Some houses were nice others were shit all about resource availability o Originated north of Black Sea o Horses wheeled carts allowed them to travel greater distances o Language influences settled areas Building of religious structures o Disparities of wealth Specialization of labors o Artisans Travel o Wheeled vehicles Indo European Migrations o Celtic o Germanic o Latin and Romance o Greek o Slavic o Armenian o Iranian Persian Pashto o Sanskirt o Patriarchal society sky gods o Moved away from earth gods Ancient Mesopotamia o Between the Rivers o Fertile Cresent o Went from city states to empires o Succession of dominant powers Civilization o 4th millennium BCE City states in Southern Mesopotamia o Sumer Uruk 50 000 inhabitants Gilgamesh hella great famous king Surpluses and trade Exports grain wool leather vegetable oil Imports wood metal jewels Sea trade as far as India Wheel and overland trade Writing o Cuneiform wedge shaped writing o Ca 3300 BCE pictographs ideographs o 2nd millennium BCE phonograms o Clay tablets o Moved from entirely oral to limitedly literate culture o can settle economic disputes o things less open to interpretation Religion o polytheist o capricious gods o not necessarily there to help o natural phenomena divine pairs male female o Anu Antum sky gods o Enlil Ninlil wind gods o Assembly of gods early deliberate government in city states o Creation myths o Marduk patron god of Babylon and Tiamat Marduk s ancestor Babylonian 2nd millennium o Ninhursag Mother goddess mixes clay with blood to make humans Makes 7 pairs then an oven womb Humans are made to serve the gods Ideas about the Afterlife The Epic of Gilgamesh o Earliest written version 2000 BCE o Gilgamesh and Enkidu o Enkidu was sent to destroy Gilgamesh but they became bffs instead o Enkidu is a beast man that is tamed by sleeping with a prostitute His animal friends reject him after a week of knowing the prostitute o Caprice of gods o Gilgamesh angers Ishtar refuses to be her lover o Bull of Heaven is sent down to fuck things up Bffs kill it o Death of Enkidu Vision of the afterlife Not a happy afterlife Mostly serving gods Everything is dusty o Search for immortality o Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim Tells Gilgamesh of a plant but a snake eats it o Gilgamesh does not achieve immortality but returns to Uruk a better king with a fresh outlook on life Social Structures o Elites Family o Governors lords Lugal and nin nin wives of lugals o Priests priestesses and temple officials o 80 90 of people are manual laborers Also temple prostitutes for fertility reasons o Fathers exert strong control over families o Women marry into families if marriage to one son is not successful woman is given to another son Brides much younger than husbands Girls are virgins at marriage could be drowned for adultery More difficult for a woman to dissolve a marriage Empires Akkadians o Semitic language Sumerian culture o Sargon ca 2300 BCE Founded a chief city at Agade or Akkad Produced the first great empire of the ancient world Enheduanna Hymns to Ishtar Akkad Innana Sumer Fertility goddesses Ur o Ur Nammu ca 2100 BCE Created the last great southern Mesopotamian dynasty Ziggurat Large monumental structures Used for both religious and administrative purposes like grain storage during surpluses law code first written law code Monetary payments for crimes in an attempt to avoid larger violence with individuals seeking revenge Babylonians o Hammurabi 1750 BCE Spread the empire Code of Hammurabi Monetary payments but also a fuckton of capital punishment o If trial could not be

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LSU HIST 1001 - Human Origins

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