Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice 1 Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice Axia College of University of Phoenix CJA 344 According to the article onwww publiceye org there is an idea that immigrants who migrate to this country are criminals This thought process Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice has developed as a common recurring theme for the anti immigrant and has 2 become a stereotype that has labeled many immigrants expressing a desire to move to this country This article states that although some immigrants do come to this country it is unfair to immediately label them as criminal It states that we have many legal citizens in this country who have been connected with criminal activities and many legal citizens who have been questioned by having potential allegiances to foreign countries have different values and have alternative political beliefs This article believes that the reputation of immigrants has been targeted and tarnished by the war on drugs which was intended to justify the militarization of the United States Mexico borders Portraying immigrants and criminals and a threat to our national security resulted in two laws passing in 1996 the Anti Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act AEDPA and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act IIRIRA This should sound familiar because after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers on 9 11 laws of this nature began to pass more frequently and are still doing so as we go to different countries for war Instead of painting immigrants from Mexico as criminals and drug pushers we have painted immigrants from Middle Eastern countries as criminals and Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice potential terrorists This is again unfair and a stereotype of immigrants that 3 results in contemporary cultural issues pertaining to criminal justice On May 1 2011 President Barak Obama made a public address to state that known terrorist Osama Bin Laden was dead As millions rejoiced at the passing of who was thought to be the main contributor to the terrorist attacks on 9 11 I stopped to wonder Has our public perception of terrorism changed the way we deal with criminals Even with the likes of a criminal who supposedly masterminded the horrible attacks on our country on September 11 2001 even taking into consideration those horrible actions has this become such an issue within our criminal justice system that we ignore our own policies rules laws We made a plan to invade and attack the home of Osama Bin Laden with the intention to kill this man Has our perception of terrorism altered our values and ways of life so much that we disregard our own laws Why was this man not captured and brought to be given a trial That is the American way Has terrorism altered our perception so much that it has become such a contemporary cultural issue that we change the way we behave within our criminal justice system I don t know but the way we went about this does not feel like justice to me A trial and a verdict of guilty would have been justice To Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice simply attack and murder is not what makes us the United States of 4 America I think it makes us lose because we change our values and way of life to do what we could to rid ourselves of a person we viewed as an arch villain That s not justice murder is not justice a trial and a guilty verdict therein lies justice This is just my opinion I would love to hear the thoughts of my classmates References InternetReference http www publiceye org ark immigrants Contemporary cultural issue pertaining to criminal justice CriminalIssue html Retrieved on June 20 2011 5 Internet Reference http www nytimes com 2011 05 02 world asia osama bin laden is killed html Retrieved on June 20 2011
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