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HY 101 Dr James Mixson Rise of Islam Chapter 1 Abdallah servant of God in Arabic Revelations Qur an Muhammad ibn Abdallah Region that Islam is founded in o 1 Byzantine eastern Roman Empire Greek influence from Egypt Syria Christians o 2 Assassynid Empire based in what is now Iran Zoroastrianism Mazda god Assasynids invade Anatolia modern day Turkey Pre Islamic Arabia don t know much about the region because their accounts are written by Islamic scholars they have their own cultural lenses that they look through Hebrew was never the predominant language Arabia Syria Saudi Arabia Arabian Peninsula is center of Arabia no empires or huge civilizations Why o Because there was merely desert land no resources to provide from the land Culturally how did people express themselves o Poetry Values of Poetry o Physical prowess you had to be tough to withstand the desert land of ancient Arabia Muhammad o born in a tribe based outside of Mekkah modern day holy city he was a merchant 1st wife was named Kadisha daughter of Khalid 3 Abrahamic religions o Judaism o Christianity o Buddhism all build off one another Muhammad is last in the line of prophets o Muslims see Jesus as a temporary prophet in the eyes of Christianity The Hijara 622 divided Prophets career into Meccan Medinan periods violent response of the Quraysh to Muhammad s teachings Muhammad dies 632 Sunni Shia split Islam splits this nearly destroyed Islamic community crisis pitted the Muhayinun against the Medinan Muslims

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