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If a parent were visiting your class and asked you why you were using literature in the science class they observed what would you choose as your three most valuable reasons How would you support your choices 1 Literature would help children relate to whatever he or she was learning in science For example if students were learning about how plants and trees grow they could read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein This story explains how the environment around us the tree provides us nutrients apples When the boy cuts down the tree to use the wood for a boat the boy realized that the tree can no longer provide him with apples This story connects children to the importance of plants in our environment 2 The literature could contain important facts the students need to learn regarding the content being learned in science For example with the Giving Tree the story explains how the tree can no longer provide apples after being cut down 3 Reinforcing content information by using another source such as literature provides a more enriched learning atmosphere and the students will be more likely to comprehend and remember the content

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UOPX RDG 350 - Notes

Course: Rdg 350-
Pages: 1
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