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Summary Sheet 2 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND IMMUNITY Honor Pledge I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination Please copy the pledge below and sign your name signature and date 1 Summarize blood groups by Describing the ABO and Rh blood groups ABO and Rh blood groups both are known as serious and possibly lethal transfusion reactions ABO blood group are described as the existence or nonexistence of glycoprotein markers Type A and Type B in the blood Rh blood groups are also determined by the presence or absence of Rh antibodies as well Pg PEx 167 Manual Defining transfusion Transfusion is the transfer of blood from one person to the bloodstream of another In doing so the procedure includes collecting blood form a donor mixing it with a substance that prevents clotting known as anticoagulant and eventually transferred into the individual accepting the blood p 651 textbook Describing adverse consequences from incompatible blood transfusion An incompatible blood transfusion can be fatal and cause an immune response If the two individuals have different red blood cell type this can cause the transfused cells to agglutinate and be destroyed by your immune system p 651 textbook Stating which blood types are compatible for transfusion Type A is compatible to blood type A and O Type B is compatible to blood type B and O Type AB is compatible to blood type A B AB and O Type O is compatible to blood type O p 652 table 17 4 textbook Defining universal recipient and universal donor The universal donor is a person with blood type O who is able to donate blood to recipients of any ABO blood group The universal recipient is a person with blood type AB who is able to receive blood of any ABO blood group p 653 textbook 2 Summarize the procedure for typing ABO blood When typing ABO blood blood samples are diluted with saline They are then mixed with serum containing anti A and anti B that have antibodies to see if agglutination clumping together will occur This will in turn determine the blood type p 653 textbook 3 Describe the structure of lymphatic capillaries Lymphatic capillaries are slightly bigger in diameter than blood capillaries These permeable tubes are in between tissue cells and blood capillaries in the loose connective tissue of the body that are responsible for transporting lymphs They are microscopic and blind ended tubes that have adjacent endothelial cells overlapping each other p 753 textbook 4 Summarize lymphatic organs and tissues by describing the flow of lymph through a lymph node The lymph is transported through the lymphatic system The lymph travels through the lymphatic capillaries into the lymphatic vessels and trunks to end up in the lymph nodes found throughout lymphatic vessels of the body These lymph nodes have macrophages which destroy any foreign matter found within this system Pg 337 manual 5 Label the following figures capsule Germinal center Afferent lymphatic vessels lymphoid follicleL trabeculae Medullary sinus Femur appendix tonsils thymus Axillary nodes Lymphatic vessels liver spleen Peyer s patch

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