Emily Yehezkel Art of Theatre Test 2 Review Sheet Greek Theatre 1 33 tragedies and 11 comedies 2 Dionysus a Ritual Ecstasy giant orgy b God of Grape Harvest wine c God of wine and sex d Dying god one that dies and is resurrected 500 BC e Depicted in fox skin as a symbol of rebirth f Golden chariot with wild animals g Group of followers females and some males h Theatrical practices were ritually done for him 3 Thespis a First actor b Separated himself from the chorus c He engaged in a dialogue 1 person vs a group d Traveled city to city to perform one man shows e Performed plays for Dionysus 4 Greek Drama a Tragedy denouement ends in a catastrophe with royal extraordinary characters i First plays introduced b Comedies mid 400s i Stock characters ii Old comedy social political cultural commentary 1 Agon 2 groups of choruses debate a topic 2 Parabasis actor or chorus mock people in the audience iii New comedy domestic and situational 1 Families and young lovers iv Satyr play minions or followers of Dionysus myth parody v Chorus 1 Same unison 2 12 15 people always present 3 All knowing entity know past and future 4 Can speak to the audience 5 Greek terms for tragedy a Prologue actor comes out before the play to give an introduction of the b Parode entrance of the chorus talk move chant together to speak about what happened previously and what is to come c Episode scene exchange of dialogue between characters continues until play exode d Stasimon actors have exited chorus takes over the stage to talk about what happened previously and what is to come choral odes continues until exode e Excode actors have exited chorus wraps everything up teaches you the message of the play and then they exit f Choregus worked as a producer during the festivals funds from the city state to make sure things were happening g Triology story broken into three parts following three generations of a family i Aeschylus Father of Tragedy ii Sophocles 1 Addition of second actor master of trilogy dialogue 2 Changed chorus to 12 people 3 The Oresteia 1 Utilized foundations of tragedy and trilogy and mastered it 2 Credited with adding a third actor 3 More options dynamic 4 Changed chorus from 12 people to 15 people 5 The Oedipus Trilogy a Oedipus Rex King Oedipus Oedipus the King b Oedipus at Colonus c Antigone iii Aristophanes 1 Comedic playwright 2 New comedy 3 Sexual plays 6 The Theatron a Built into hills and mountain sides b Stadium seating c All made of stone d Theatron theatre itself seating area e Orchestra area 2 or 3 actors engaged in a scene altar for Dionysus f Paraskenion Chorus hangs out during episodes slightly elevated area g Skene behind the paraskenion two stones Gods are there storage special effects h Parados upstage right and left entrances and exits for actors and chorus 7 Conventions of Greek Drama a Male non professional actors b Mechane crane i Deus ex Machina something to resolve the play c Ekkyklema wagon of death i Offstage violence d Penaktoi new comedy scenic device paraskenion e Masks same actor changed masks to change roles i Actors wore masks and robes or togas ii Tragic masks beautiful heightened everyday mask Kings and Queens iii Comic masks ugly and distorted to be more goofy looking 8 Aristotle a The Poetics i Plot ii Character iii Thought Theme iv Language v Song Music vi Spectacle Ekkyklema Medieval Theatre 1 Roman Catholic Church a Paganism and polytheism many gods i Urban religion began in cities ii Followers of Roman Catholic Church iii Paganus non followers of Roman Catholic Church iv Theatre became dead because seen as a pagan act 2 Liturgical drama little rituals presented in Church in Latin a Hildegard Von Bingen nun who created music skits with saints and Mary 3 Vernacular drama everyday speech of common person a Mystery cycle plays 80 100 i Message magnified ii Mansions utilized to present iii Hell Mouth used to scare people into living a Bible ruled life v Pageant master producer made sure actors learned their lines 1 Earliest haunted house iv Pageant wagon borrowed Machina 1 Earliest parade 2 Hell Mouth at the end Lucifer supervised plays vi All male non professional performers 1 Type casting vii Daily work stopped viii All guild artists worked anonymously 4 Morality plays a Teach a lesson or belief b Everyman c Root of all problems Elizabethan Theatre 1 The English Renaissance a Golden age of English history b Man was put at the center of the universe center of geometry and is the measure of all things c Linguistics celebration 2 Blank verse a Christopher Marlowe i Bard paid playwright ii Use of Mighty Line iii Before Shakespeare iv v 1 Unstressed u stressed vi Pentameter 5 meters or 5 feet 1 U U U U U Iambic pentameter rhythm and meter resemble everyday speech Iambus vii Roughly 90 of Shakespeare s work follows Iambic Pentameter 3 Variation with scansion a Rhythm pattern of U in a line b Meter number of feet in a line c Scansion analysis of a line d Prose everyday speech utilized by lower class e Verse specific rhythm and meters with rhymes i Couplet 2 lines that rhyme ii Heroic couplet series of couplets linked together to create one solid block of text f Feminine ending final foot ending on an unstressed beat i State of confusion left open like a question g Mono di trimeter characters are angry quick exchange of lines 4 The Elizabethan Age a Golden Age continued for two monarchs after Queen Elizabeth b Puritan Revolution ordered closure of public theatres and marked the end of the Renaissance c The theatres i Private built in closed spaces companies performed for private ii Public huge amphitheaters outside London censorship iii Bear put animals in a pit and put a lot of dogs and see how long it areas takes iv River Thames separated theatres v Yohan s picture is the only one of English theatres specifically 5 The Globe Theatre The Swan a Not Shakespeare s theatre but instead Lord Chamberlin s Men s Theatre b Name later changed to the King s Men c Shakespeare was a bard playwright d Lord Chamberlin and the King provided money and funds e Seat 3 000 people f Octagonal in shape g Gallery seating thrust stage 3 1 relationship i Can be broken up into Lord s rooms for upper class people ii Mud in front of the stage was where people were tightly packed 1 Groundlings 2 Cheap prices 3 Stood in a mud pit with pee poop and rain 4 Stood and watched show iii 3rd level was upper class and the ground was the lower class which reinforced class structure h Stage was an
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