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The Psychology of Culture Culture the sum total of learned beliefs values and customs that direct the behavior of a particular society s members Result of socialization Varies between societies Multiple levels Lens through which consumers view the world Iceberg Culture Model Evident Culture things that can be observed described o Customs language behavior o Stems from ecology social structure Deep Culture underlying aspects of culture o Values view of the world beliefs o Hofstede s Dimensions of Deep Culture Both evident and deep culture can affect all aspects of consumer behavior o Expectations of product characteristics o Perception of product benefits o Responsiveness to advertising Evident Aspects of Culture Ecology o Physical surroundings Technology used to negotiate ecology o EX if you live by a canal you may be more likely to buy a boat than a car Social structure o Customs rituals laws used to maintain orderly social life o Social norms that affect habits EX members of societies that practice siesta have the habit of napping mid day Evident culture can affect all aspects of consumer behavior o Expectations of product characteristics o Perception of product benefits o Responsiveness to advertising Video Homeplus in South Korea o Grocery shop when waiting for subway Tesco Fresh n Easy Case cross between a supermarket and a convenience store West Coast Value proposition fresh food at a low price o Produce packaged so people don t touch it all o Stocking low by the end of the day o Expiration dates shorted to guarantee freshness o Cut costs by having less employees on site using self checkouts Evident and deep culture issues prevented Tesco s success o Evident culture different norms for grocery stores We tend to buy in bulk rather than buy a little everyday o Deep culture value is fresh at low prices BUT in the U S fresh healthy organic food is synonymous with premium pricing Hofstede s Dimensions of Deep Culture Masculinity Femininity degree to which traits associated with men vs women are valued Uncertainty avoidance degree to which people tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty Power distance how people perceive power differences in interpersonal relationships o Ranges from low informal equal to high strict hierarchy Long Short Term Orientation degree to which values are oriented to the future vs present Independence Interdependence Individualism Collectivism o Degree to which individuals primarily identify as individuals or group members Masculinity Femininity degree to which masculine feminine traits are valued Masculine traits assertiveness success Feminine traits solidarity caring quality of life More Masculine Cultures o Stronger role of differentiation o Possession oriented o Admire the strong less supportive of the weak More Feminine Cultures o Men do more household shopping o Men are more likely to work part time share the task of raising children o Less likely to agree that A university education is more for a boy o EX nurturing men in the Netherlands Spain Uncertainty avoidance degree to which people tolerate ambiguity uncertainty Cultures HIGH in uncertainty avoidance o Assume uncertainty is bad More risk averse o Promote stable careers rules procedures Cultures LOW in uncertainty avoidance o Assume uncertainty is inevitable Innovative entrepreneurial Bottled Water Consumption Real men don t cry o o o Cultures of high uncertainty avoidance have higher water bottle consumption because they are more risk averse Power distance how people perceive power differences in interpersonal relationships Ranges from low informal equal to high strict hierarchy Reflects beliefs perceptions acceptance of whether power is distributed equally not actual o U S is low in power distance but U S society has large disparities in power High Power Distance o Everybody has a place in social hierarchy o Acceptance of authority dependence o Respect for authority elders o Consume for social status power distribution o Prefer goods that emphasize high status beauty luxury Low Power Distance o Focus on equality opportunity o Authority has negative independence connotation o Respect for youth independence o Arguments opinions expressed o Consume for use Prefer goods that emphasize practicality comfort Long Short Term Orientation degree to which values are oriented to the future vs present Long Term Orientation future focused perspective Invest in the future More self control o Values perseverance thrift sense of shame long term relationships observing order and status Short Term Orientation present focused view o Live in the moment Less self control o Values stability tradition reciprocity pursuit of happiness Independence Interdependence Individualism Collectivism Degree to which individuals primarily identify as individuals or group members Self Construal way we think of ourselves in conjuncture with the world o Two dimensions degree to which one accepts choices made by self or others Independent focus on the self generally western countries Interdependent focus on relationships generally Asian Latin American cultures 2 1 Self Construal Implications Cognitive Emotional Motivational o Independent Self Construal Implications o Cognition more elaborate cognitive representation of self its attributes features Brand extension Categorizing Implication distinguish based on differences o Emotion express feel more self focused emotions anger pride Analytical thinkers Holistic thinkers Independent pride is based on personal accomplishments o Motivation personal goals self expression standing out Risk Aversion Implication more likely to take social risks Interdependent Self Construal Implications o Cognition more elaborate cognitive representations of others social context relationships Brand extension Categorizing Implication distinguish based on similarities o Emotion express feel more other focused vicarious emotions guilt empathy Interdependent pride is based on other s accomplishments o Motivation social goals fitting in with others Risk Aversion Implication more likely to take financial risks Self Construal Implications Independents motivated by personal goals Interdependents motivated by social goals o Study independent and interdependent participants answered a series of questions designed to measure their risk aversion in 4 scenarios 1 Winning a lottery ticket financial 2 Paying a parking ticket financial 3 Choosing a shirt for a family gathering social 4 Playing truth or dare social Risky

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Pitt BUSMKT 1441 - The Psychology of Culture

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