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Define children s literature Please use our text s definition Cite two or three books you would label as children s literature and explain your reasoning The definition of children s literature according to our text is the difference between what makes a regular kids book and what qualities make a children s novel A book that expels passion from the author with interest and intention authenticity literary merit quality illustrations and richness of themes that make children s literature distinctive and appealing Mitchell 2003 Children s literature is usually developed with realistic content and connections that the reader can make within their own lives The three books I have found that are classic children s literature are Baum L F Denslow W W 1900 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Chicago G M Hill Co Burnett F H 1911 The Secret Garden New York F A Stokes Carroll L 1865 Alice s Adventures in Wonderland England Macmillan Co Each of these children s novels are stories that all include an original idea well written and caters to the reader in mind These books are considered classics because they offer a main character that is relatable young and realistic The illustrations are of high quality and allow the reader to connect to the story and setting Each of these books consists of fantasy and make believe which is something children have to connect to and are fond of The adventure and exploration is another aspect of these stories that make the young readers engaged because children are naturally curious The quality of the writing is an important factor in children s literature compared to other kid s books entertaining and challenging plots that stimulate the mind will make a book memorable and exciting to read Mitchell D 2003 Children s literature An invitation to the world Boston MA Allyn and Bacon

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UOPX RDG 350 - Define Children’s Literature

Course: Rdg 350-
Pages: 1
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