Word Genu Valgum Breakdow n Genu Valgus Breakdown definition Knee Displacement of a part from the midline Osteoarthritis Dyslipidemia Inclusion body myositis Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Oste Arth Itis Dys Lipo Ia In Clus Ion Myos Itis Fibr Dys Plas Ia Ossi Pro Gress Bone Joint inflammation Abnormal Fat Condition In Shut Muscle Inflammation Fiber Abnormal Mould State condition Bone Before Walk Dermatomyositis Dermat Myos Itis Skin Muscle Inflammation Carlee Hearld Medical Terms 20 words 10 19 2015 Medical dictionary My definition The abnormal condition where the knees drift inward toward the midline When the cartilage around your bones break down A condition where there is too much fat in the blood A condition where the muscle gets inflamed and weakens over time When the muscles are replaced by bone Inflammatio n of the skin and underlying muscle tissue In genu valgum the lower extremities turn inward causing the appearance of the knees to be touching while the ankles remain apart When the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time Dyslipidemia means an abnormal amount of lipids or fats in the blood Inclusion body myositis IBM is an inflammatory muscle disease characterized by slowly progressive weakness and wasting of both distal and proximal muscles FOP is a disorder in which muscle tissue and connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are gradually replaced by bone Inflammation of the skin and underlying muscle tissue involving degeneration of collagen discoloration and swelling typically Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis My Mitochondrial Myopathies Amy Troph Ic Scler Osis Then Ia Grav Is Mito Chron Myo Path Grow Condition Hard Disease Muscle Weakness State Serious Thread Small grain Muscle Disease Rhabdomyolysis Rhabdos Mys Lysis Cell Muscle Loosening Polymyositis Poly Myos Itis Many Muscle Inflammation Carlee Hearld Medical Terms 20 words 10 19 2015 occurring as an autoimmune condition or associated with internal cancer Rapidly progressive invariably fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscles Myasthenia gravis is characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the muscles under your voluntary control The muscle tissue of patients with these diseases usually demonstrate ragged red muscle fibers Rhabdomyolysis is a serious syndrome due to a direct or indirect muscle injury It results from the death of muscle fibers and release of their contents into the bloodstream Polymyositis is a type of chronic inflammatory disease of skeletal muscle disease of unknown etiology that is related to dermatomyositis A degenerative disease of the neurons that control voluntary muscles A condition where there is a serious weakness of the voluntary muscles A disease where the muscle fibers are ragged When there is muscle damage which causes the fibers to die and release their contents in the bloodstream Inflammatio n of more than one muscle at the same time Fibromyalgia Fibr Myo Algos Fiber Muscle Pain Myotonia Myo Tonus Muscle Tension Myofascial Pain Syndrome Myo Fasc Syn Muscle Fasicle Together Spasmodic torticollis cervical dystonia Spasm Tic Tortus Collum Spasm Convulsion Twisted Neck Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency Pal Mit Trans Ase Stake Thread Across Enzyme Carlee Hearld Medical Terms 20 words 10 19 2015 and inclusion body myositis Medical condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened and painful response to pressure symptom of a small handful of certain neuromuscular disorders characterized by delayed relaxation prolonged contraction of the skeletal muscles after voluntary contraction or electrical stimulation Myofascial syndrome MFS is a musculoskeletal condition characterized by painful foci of muscle called trigger points Spasmodic torticollis is an extremely painful chronic neurological movement disorder causing the neck to involuntarily turn to the left right upwards and or downwards A deficiency is a condition that prevents the body from using certain fats for energy A condition of muscle pain due to pressure A delay in reaction time for muscle contractions due to the nervous system problems A condition where there is localized muscle pain A condition where there are spasms in the neck and cause unwanted movement When the body cannot use certain fats for energy Congenical mysasthenic disease Mys Sthen Muscle weakness Facioscapulohumera l muscular dystrophy Facio Scapulo Hermal Face Shoulder Arms Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy Oculo Pharyngea l Eyes Throat Nemaline myopathy Nema Myo Path Y Thread Muscle Weakness Condition Termography Therm Graph Y Heat Record State condition Carlee Hearld Medical Terms 20 words 10 19 2015 particularly during periods without food CMS is characterized by weakness and fatigue resulting from problems at the neuromuscular junction Facioscapulohumer al muscular dystrophy is a disorder characterized by muscle weakness and wasting atrophy OPMD is one of nine types of muscular dystrophy a group of genetic degenerative diseases primarily affecting voluntary muscles Although named for the muscles it affects first the eyelids oculo and throat pharyngeal OPMD also can affect facial and limb muscles A congenital hereditary neuromuscular disorder that causes muscle weakness generally non progressive of varying severity A diagnostic procedure that images heat from body surfaces A disease where there is weakness of the muscles A muscle weakness disease that targets the face shoulders and arms A muscle weakness disease that targets the eyes and throat A hereditary disease that causes muscle weakness A condition where the body heat is recorded n Carlee Hearld Medical Terms 20 words 10 19 2015 Commonly used by chiropractors but has not been found to be effective in locating pinched nerves or subluxated vertebrae The heat detecting instrument originally developed in 1924 for locating subluxated vertebrae Method of manipulation movement or stretching to increase range of motion in muscles and joints that does not involve a high velocity thrust A new technique in which a special adjustment with an instrument is made between the atlas and the skull to relieve dozens of ailments ranging from asthma to psoriasis This cure all spinal adjustment corrects subluxations and reconstructs the spine shock that is caused by an allergic reaction The action of being able to perform movement n The study of life movement n Pertaining
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