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What You Need to Know You need to know how artists felt about modernity during the early 20th century Be able to talk about what scientific and psychological progress was made during this time Be able to talk about the key figures of each field and describe their theories Be able to discuss and define the movements as well as the popular artists during this time Terms Fauvism Cubism The first style that emerged in the 20th century that was apart of the colorist tradition that can be traced back to Van Gogh Gauguin Monet and Delacroix as well as Titian and the Venetians An art style that broke away from the logical use of color as it became abstracted The second major style of the 20th century was largely populated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque as it explored and analyzed the language of painting The foundations of Cezanne s work as it created faceted shapes The arrangement of cut out pieces of paper in order to introduce a wide variety of Analytic Cubism Synthetic Cubism textures and colors German Expressionism A movement in the early 20th century which was characterized by tortured anguished primitive or spiritual elements that reflect cosmic forces Italian Futurism A movement that supported the resolute acceptance of modernity and all its creations while rejecting Italy s Classical past Russian Suprematism The supremacy of feeling in which feeling is revelatory and can be demonstrated by abstract language found in painting Readymade Ideas Art A creation by Marcel Duchamp which served as a combination of technical skill and craft involved in art An art form in which each object out of its normal context and combines them to form a new setting thus giving the sculpture a new meaning Reflects the importance of the meaning of the title as it not only serves as a reflection of the figure s action inside the composition but it also limits its meaning and serves as tool for remembering what the piece is about American Modernism of the early 20th century The modernist movement in America that first began during the second decade Additional Information Discussion Questions How did artist feel about the continuing progression of modernity during the early 20th century Artist both embraced and rejected the continuing progression of modernity during the early 20th century Scientific developments revolutionized the art world during the 20th century Who created the theory of relativity which claimed that time space and motion were not fixed but relative Albert Einstein s theory of relativity claimed that time space and motion were not fixed but relative Developments in human psychology was also influential towards 20th century art Which psychoanalysis studied the subconscious and stated that the world and human experience was fragmented Sigmund Freud studied the subconscious and stated that the world and human experience was fragmented What is the difference between Renaissance artist and 20th century artists Renaissance artists sought to create a window into an illusionistic space with their art however 20th century artists used the canvas as a tray in which to serve art Where does the comprehension of abstract art take place The understanding of abstract art takes place in the mind Movements and Artists Fauvism What is the first major style of the 20th century Fauvism is the first major style of the 20th century Describe the characteristics of Fauvist art Fauvist art is part of the colorist tradition However it breaks away from the rational use of color as it becomes abstracted Which painting by Henri Matisse pushes proportions and flatness of space as the figures become more abstracted Le Bonheur de Vivre by Henri Matisse pushes proportions and flatness of space as the figures become more abstracted Cubism What is the second major style of the 20th century Cubism is the second major style of the 20th century What are two kinds of cubism Describe them Analytic and Synthetic cubism are two kinds of cubism Analytic Cubism is a style that promotes the rational abstraction of objects based on a geometry and grids Synthetic Cubism is a style that uses collages to represent different colors and materials in order to make an image Cubism drew inspiration from non Western art and folk culture Who were the two artists associated with Cubism Picasso and Braque were the two artists who were associated with Cubism Which painting by Picasso is a brazen depiction of female nudes which laughs in the face of the classical portrayal of the female nude during antiquity Les Demoiselles d Avignon by Picasso is a brazen depiction of female nudes which laughs in the face of the classical portrayal of the female nude during antiquity German Expressionism Describe German Expressionism German Expressionism was a movement that used various styles while being characterized by anguished and tortured emotions as artists contemplated the meaning of life What are two factions represented in German Expressionism Die Brucke The Bridge and Der Blaue Reiter The Blue Rider Who was the most famous artist to come out of German Expressionism Vasily Kandinsky was the most famous artist to come out of German Expressionism Kandinsky was a member of The Blue Rider His art drew inspiration from non representational art Kandinsky believed spirituality could only be found being the visual world Kandinsky also wrote Concerning Spiritual of Art Which work by Kandinsky was the first non objective work Composition VIII by Kandinsky was the first non objective work Italian Futurism Which movement aspired to visually depict movement and time Italian Futurism was a movement that aspired to visually depict movement and time Who published the Manifesto of Futurism that promoted the acceptance of modernity while rejecting the classical past Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published the Manifesto of Futurism that promoted the acceptance of modernity while rejecting the classical past Who was the most famous Italian Futurist artist The most famous Italian Futurist artist was Umberto Boccioni Which painting by Boccioni shows the modernity and essence of energy and movement States of Mind II The Farewells by Boccioni shows the modernity and essence of energy and movement Russian Supremacy Who was the most famous artist associated with Russian Supremacy Kazimir Malevich was the most famous artist associated with Russian Supremacy Pushed the ideas of iconism to the extreme Was a mystic who searched for an utopian world Which painting by Malevich is

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HCCC ART 125 - What You Need to Know

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