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TEST 2 Study Guide People o Ivan Pavlov Connected to classical conditioning Did the experiment with dogs and their response to food and stimuli like noise The dog would salivate when saw food and would not when her heard the metronome When the dog saw food while the metronome was playing he then associated that noise with food So when he heard that noise he salivated o Edward Thorndike 1874 1949 He was the first person to study operant conditioning o John Watson Conducted the experiment on Little Albert which now a days would not be considered ethical o Little Albert Participant in Watsons experiment He didn t cry when first played with a white rat CS but when a loud noise was used US he was scared UR Then anytime he held the white rat CS or anything else white he was scared because he associated that with the loud noise CR o B F Skinner 1904 1990 He expanded out understanding of operant conditioning which is the association between behavior and conditioning o Albert Bandura 1965 Pioneered work on the modeling of aggression by children He performed the Bobo doll experiment Major Terms Learning chapter 6 o The Definition of learning Relatively permanent change in behavior of the capacity for behavior due to experience Also the internal linking of two concepts one stimulus to another or a stimulus to a behavior o Know the differences between Classical and Operant Conditioning Classical Explains many of our learned emotional responses to environment Associations are formed between occur sequentially in time our two stimuli that Operant The association between behavior and its consequences between behaviors and their outcomes o Law of Effect If a response if followed by a pleasurable Associations are formed consequences it will be replaced If response if followed by unpleasant consequence it is not repeated o Behaviorism An approach to psychology that features the study and careful measurement of observable behaviors o Associative learning The formation of associations or connections along stimuli and behaviors It helps us learn to predict the future based on past experience o Non associative learning Learning that involves changes in the magnitude of response to a stimulus Habituation A simple form of learning in which reactions to repeated stimuli are unchanging and harmless decrease Sensitization An increased reaction to many stimuli exposure to a very strong stimuli following one o Observational learning Learning that occurs when an organism watches the actions of another Also known as social learning or modeling o Reflexes Inevitable involuntary response to stimuli They are fast and we are unable to stop them Circuits in the spinal cord brainstem mediate them o Instincts An inborn pattern of behavior elicited by an environmental stimuli Also know as fixed action pattern o Acquisition Gradual development of conditioned response o Extinction Reduction of conditioned responding when a CS is presented without being followed by a US Gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response tendency o Generalization The tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimuli Ex The dog responds to different bells a doorbell jingle a desk bell with the same reaction salivation bells or o Discrimination A learned ability to distinguish between stimuli salivation The dog knows the difference Ex The dog responds only to the specific bell that triggers between then bells o Inhibition A feature of classical conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus actually predicts the nonoccurrence of an unconditioned stimulus o Taste Aversion Learning Organisms quickly learn to avoid food drink that result in sickness o Classical Conditioning A type of learning in which associations are formed between two stimuli that occur sequentially in time o Operant Conditioning A type of learning in which associations are formed between behaviors and their outcomes o Continuous Reinforcement Schedules Use of 1 to 1 ratio of behavior to reward Reinforcement given after every desired behavior Ex Every time the rat presses a lever it gets a piece of food Leads to rapid acquisition and rapid extinction o Partial Reinforcement Schedules Timing of the reinforcement depends on number of responses the organism has to perform before reinforcement or length of time between reinforcement o The Bobo doll experiment Conducted by Bandura studies the Children who saw the model behave aggressively also Children who did no see the model behave aggressively imitation of aggression in children aggressively behave aggressively behaved did not Children were either rewarded punished or given no consequences Reward group attacked the doll Punishment group did not attack doll No consequence group attacked the doll Types of Learning o Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus US A stimulus that elicits a response without any prior experience Unconditioned Response UR A response to an unconditioned stimulus that requires no previous experience Conditioned Stimulus CS An environmental event whose significant is learned through classical conditioning Conditioned Response CR A response learned through classical conditioning Example Before conditioning bell rings no response but food salivation US UR CS US UR During conditioning bell rings followed by food salivation CS CR After conditioning bell ringing salivation o Operant Conditioning Positive Reinforcement Occurs when a desired object or event is presented after a response increasing the likelihood of the response in the future Ex Parents give teen 20 per hour of studying so study time goes up Negative Reinforcement A method for increasing behaviors that allow an organism to escape or avoid unpleasant consequence Ex Teenagers parents nag him about cleaning his room it and the nagging stops He cleans his room He cleans more often now Positive Punishment A consequence that eliminates or reduces the frequency of a behavior by applying an aversive stimulus Ex Child fights at school and her parents spank her at home so she gets into less fights Negative Punishment A method for reducing behavior by removing something desirable whenever the target behavior occurs Ex Child fights at school and her parents take away TV and computer when she gets home The amount of fighting at school decreases Schedules of Reinforcement o Partial Schedules of Reinforcement Fixed Ratio Given for responses produced after a fixed number Ex Factory workers that get paid for each

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