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Mesopotamia Euphrates Tigris Irrigation Sumerians o Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Modern day Iraq o One of two defining rivers of Mesopotamia o Eastern river of the two great rivers of Mesopotamia o Artificial application of water to the land or soil o Lived in semi independent states o Built with mud and brick o Ziggurat of Ur Akkadians o Came into region in 2300 BC o King Sargon o Conquered Sumerians o Take over after the Akkadians o Created the first real civilization in northern Mesopotamia o Very militaristic society that took over after the Assyrians o A central structure in cities that doubled as a religious o A Sumerian epic written in cuneiform o The story of a young wild king o A monster that becomes friends with Gilgamesh o A script or system of writing devised by the Sumerians its elements were composed of the wedge shaped impressions that a stylus makes in the surface of a mud tablet Semitic o Akkadians Indo European Semitic speaking people o Later language group of people coming in Law Code of Hammurabi o Made of non native stone o Inscribed of texts with law code that people were meant to live Assyrians Babylonians Ziggurat structure Gilgamesh Enkidu Cuneiform o The 8th gate to the inner city of Babylon by Ishtar Gate Old Kingdom o 3000 2200 BC o Building of the pyramids o Capitol in Memphis Middle Kingdom o 2040 1785 BC o Capitol moves from Memphis to Thebes in Upper Egypt o 1550 1085 BC o Brought about by foreign settlers in Lower Egypt o Very large temples constructed o Major river in Egypt with regular flooding New Kingdom Nile Pharaoh o God king Mummification Pyramid o Way of preserving a dead body to prepare for the afterlife o Only built in Old Kingdom o Built in Lower Egypt but the stone came from Upper Egypt o Built as tombs for pharaohs o A script or system of writing devised by the ancient Egyptians o Very sturdy long lasting writing surface Hieroglyphs utilizing pictographs Papyrus Pyramid of King Djoser o Step pyramid Rosetta Stone o Language tablet Hatshepsut o 1478 1458 BC o Large building projects Ramses II o 1279 1213 BC o Militaristic Pharaoh Thebes o Capitol of Middle and New Kingdom Akhenaten Amenhotep o 1353 1336 BC o Closed all temples to promote worship of the sun god Amarna Altar panel o 1340 BC o Depiction of Akhenaten and family Neferetiti o Great royal wife of Akhenaten o Religious revolution Tutankhamun Hebrews Abraham o Tomb was discovered in 1922 completely untouched o Beginning of Judaism Christianity and Islam o Early leader of the Hebrews originally from Mesopotamia Yahweh YHWH o Hebrew god o Relationship with the people o Worshipping of one god yet not denying that there are others monolatry Monotheism Covenant David o Belief that only one God exists o Agreement between God and his chosen people o Notation of universal law for all people o 1000 961 BC o Conquest of Jerusalem and beginning of kingship o Beginning of non migrated people and civilizations Solomon o 961 922 BC o Son of David Jerusalem o Well fortified city Temple to Yahweh o Different from other temples o Only one temple to Yahweh Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah o Northern Kingdom Israel gets destroyed by Assyrians o Babylonians destroyed the Southern Kingdom Judah o An Anatolian people who established an empire at Hattusa in north central Anatolia around 1600 BC Babylonian exile o Destroyed the temple of Yahweh o People of Judah become slaves Hittites Hattushas o Lion gates o Capitol of the Hittite empire Lion Gates of Hattushas o In Hattusha

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