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In this chapter you will learn about the Italian Renaissance in its early phase You will learn about the increase of artist competitions commissioned by guilds And you will also learn about the advancements of popular artists such as Brunelleschi Ghiberti Donatello and Masaccio Florence and Artistic Competitions Baptistery Competition Which city state is one of the most prominent city states in the histories of the Renaissance because many of its early humanists valued their hometown Florence is one of the most prominent city states in the histories of the Renaissance because many of its early humanists valued their hometown The success of Andrea Pisano s bronze doors inspired which guild to commission a competition for another set of bronze doors The success of Andrea Pisano s bronze doors inspired the Guild of Wool Merchants to commission a baptistery competition for another set of bronze doors What was the theme of the competition The theme of the competition was to create a set of bronze doors depicting The Sacrifice of Isaac Who are the only known sculptors that competed in the competition Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti are the only known sculptors that competed in the competition Who s set of doors was eventually chosen as the winner of the competition Ghiberti s doors was eventually chosen as the winner of the competition Why were Ghiberti s doors chosen over Brunelleschi s Ghiberti s doors were chosen over Brunelleschi because Ghiberti s piece had a greater naturalism to human form compared to Brunelleschi s He also fixed the problem of the quatrefoil field by putting the narrative within the margins and the focal point in the center Cathedral Competition After losing the baptistery what competition did Brunelleschi later compete in against Ghiberti After losing the baptistery Brunelleschi later competed in a cathedral competition against Ghiberti How did Brunelleschi win the cathedral competition Brunelleschi won the cathedral competition by studying classical art with his friend Donatello and later applying that knowledge to create the dome of the Duomo What does the dome of the Duomo symbolize The dome of the Duomo symbolizes Florences inventiveness piety ambition and skill What advancements by Brunelleschi influenced many works and artists beyond Tuscany The architectural and proportional advancements by Brunelleschi influenced many works beyond Tuscany San Lorenzo Santa Maria Novella and the Or San Michele San Lorenzo Giovanni de Bicci de Medici commissioned which artist to build a sacristy at San Lorenzo Giovanni de Bicci de Medici commissioned Brunelleschi to build a sacristy at San Lorenzo How did Brunelleschi s chapel receive the name Old Sacristy Brunelleschi s chapel received the name Old Sacristy when future generations of the Medici family commissioned a new sacristy Santa Maria Novella Although the facade s of many churches were not completed until after the lifetime of respected architects which church had its facade completed during the lifetime of its architect The dominican church Santa Maria Novella completed its facade during the architects Leon Battista Alberti lifetime Or San Michele Powerful guilds commissioned artists like Lorenzo Ghiberti to fill in the niches of which building Powerful guilds commissioned artists like Lorenzo Ghiberti to fill in the niches of the Or San Michele The Guild of Wood and Stone Carves commissioned which artist to fill the niches at Or San Michele with the likeness of four Christian sculptors who refused to create a pagan sculpture by the order of the Roman emperor Diocletian The Guild of Wood and Stone Carves commissioned Nanni di Banco to fill the niches at Or San Michele with four Christian sculptures who refused to create a pagan sculpture by the order of the Roman emperor Diocletian Donatello Who was Ghiberti s former assistant that was commissioned by the Linen Weavers Guild to fill the niches of the Or San Michele Donatello was Ghiberti s former assistant that was commissioned by the linen weavers guild to fill the niches of the Or San Michele What is the most interesting feature of Donatello s sculpture St Mark The most interesting feature of Donatello s sculpture St Mark is the contrapposto stance applied to the form Who was the most influential sculptor of 15th century in Italy Donatello was the most influential sculptor of 15th century in Italy Donatello completed which relief in the baptistery competition against his mentor Ghiberti at San Giovanni Donatello completed the relief The Feast of Herod in 1427 in a baptistery competition against his mentor Ghiberti at San Giovanni In 1433 the Republic of Venice commissioned Donatello to create which statue to commemorate the Venetian commander Erasmo da Narni who had recently died In 1433 the Republic of Venice commissioned Donatello to create the Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata to commemorate the Venetian commander Erasmo da Narni who had recently died What other equestrian statue is the Gattamelata modeled after The Gattamelata is modeled after the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius What is Donatello s largest free standing work made entirely out of bronze The Gattamelata is Donatello s largest free standing work made entirely out of bronze What is one of Donatello s sculptures that is made entirely out of wood Mary Magdalen is one of Donatello s sculptures that is made entirely out of wood Sculpture in Florence The Guild of Wool Merchants commissioned which artist to create a second pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery of San Giovanni The Guild of Wool Merchants commissioned Lorenzo Ghiberti to create a second pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery of San Giovanni How did Giovanni s doors titled Gates of Paradise receive its name The doors were placed in an area called Paradise which gave it its name Gates of Paradise As will as filling in niches and erecting buildings what other form of sculpture was also important in Florence during the 15th century As will as filling in niches and erecting buildings tomb sculpture was also important in Florence during the 15th century The city of Florence commissioned which artist to build a tomb to be installed in the Santa Croce to commemorate the death of Leonardo Bruni The city of Florence commissioned Bernardo Rossellino to build a tomb to be installed in the Santa Croce to commemorate the death of Leonardo Bruni In what manner was the tomb styled The tomb was styled in the Roman manner What is

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HCCC ART 125 - Florence and Artistic Competitions

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