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The three things I learned this week is the value of money according to time concept learning how to make purchases that are applicable in my life and goals and something the peaked my interest which is google voice Over time it is likely we can earn interest on money if we place it in a savings mutual fund or purchase a savings bond I believe it is a great idea versus just holding on to money in a shoe box at home I currently use an iphone that I barely know how to operate I purchased because I thought it was pretty dependable because of the brand Christopher introduced the class to google voice and now I think I will check it out What I researched and believe what I learned is important to me is understanding how to use a formula to calculate my investment for future profits fv 1 1 i n pv 1 00 today equals what amount in 20 years I plan to use the concepts by understanding the future value basics to invest for the most return on my money Here is an example of an interest rate of 4 5 on 10 000 annually Future value of investment at end of first year 10 000 x 0 045 10 000 10 450

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UOPX QRB 501 - Essay

Course: Qrb 501-
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