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In this study guide you will learn about the characteristics and styles of Baroque art You will learn about the counter reformations from the Catholic church and wave of scientific thinking You will also learn about the artists from this period and their innovations Baroque Art What are some characteristics of Baroque art Baroque art is erotic exuberant dynamic and full of tension How did Baroque art become known as the style of persuasion Baroque art became known as the style of persuasion because the Catholic church used Baroque art to counter against the Protestant reformation How did Baroque art become known as the style of absolution Baroque art became known as the style of absolution because it was used to inspire awe within the viewer Caravaggio Who was the most innovative artist of the 17th century Caravaggio was the most innovative artist of the 17th century What is one of the three canvases Caravaggio painted with St Matthew as the subject that depicts Matthew being chosen by Christ One of the three canvases Caravaggio painted with St Matthew as the subject is The Calling of St Matthew which depicts Matthew being chosen by Christ What technique became the staple of Caravaggio s compositions Tenebrism became the staple of Caravaggio s compositions Which piece of Caravaggio s depicts four androgynous young male musicians in sensual setting The Musicians depicts four androgynous young male musicians in a sensual setting Artemisia Gentileschi Who was the first woman that joined the Accademia of Disgenia in Florence The first woman to join the Accademia of Disgenia in Florence was Artemisia Gentileschi What does Gentileschi s often represent within her compositions Gentileschi often represents biblical heroines such as Bathsheba and Judith within her compositions What is one of Gentileschi s most independent and dramatic large works One of Gentileschi s most independent and dramatic large works is Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes What is the painting often compared to The painting is often compared to David and Goliath however instead of a victory of virtue and innocence the victory by Judith is sometimes shrouded in deceit What is Artemisia s most innovative pieces Gentileschi s most innovative pieces is Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting In Gentileschi s Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting how does she suprpass the limitations of male painters In this self portrait Artemisia surpasses the limitations of male painters as she represents herself as the allegorical female figure of Painting La Pittura What does the Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting represent In the Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting Gentileschi not only represent herself in the painting but a cumulation of paintings and the appreciation of artists during this time Which period is heavily associated with ceiling frescoes The Baroque period is the primary period that is associated with ceiling frescos Bernini What qualities does Baroque painting share with Baroque sculpture Like Baroque painting Baroque sculpture was often rich emotional dynamic and turbulent Explain the difference between Bernini s David between Michelangelo s and Donatello s David Bernini s David invokes a sort of tension dynamism and fierceness as David is displayed to be right in the midsts of attacking Goliath His sculpture activates the space around us and implies that Goliath is right in front of David However Michelangelo s and Donatello s David displays David after he has slain Goliath in a more relaxed manner The mood and dynamism of their David is far more subdued compared to Bernini s David How does Renaissance art differ from Baroque art Unlike Renaissance art Baroque art is designed to be scene from the frontal view What other abilities did Bernini possess besides being a sculptor and architect Besides being a sculptor and an architect Bernini also designed innovative scenes for theatres Using his abilities as a sculptor architect and painter what theatrical display did Bernini create for the Cornaro Chapel Using his abilities as a sculptor architect and painter Bernini designed The Ecstasy of Teresa for the Cornaro Chapel What two pieces is the Ecstasy of Terasa often compared to The Ecstasy of Teresa is often compared to Jupiter and Io and Michelangelo s Pieta because of its sensual manner and highly exuberant drapery

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HCCC ART 125 - Baroque Art

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